
—5— Book Club: ‘Out Stealing Horses’ The RAPS Book Club will meet on Tuesday, Nov. 17, at 1:30 p.m., at the home of Betsey Brown at Holiday Park Plaza, 1300 NE 16th Ave., Portland. Contact her at 503-280-2334 or aebport@hevanet.comto RSVP and for directions. We will discuss Out Stealing Horses, written by Per Petterson, translated by Anne Born. On the cover, it is described as: Out Stealing Horses has been embraced across the world as a classic, a novel of universal relevance and power. Panoramic and gripping, it tells the story of Tround Sander, a 67-year-old man who has moved from the city to a remote, riverside cabin, only to have all the turbulence, grief, and overwhelming beauty of his youth come back to him one night while he’s out on a walk. From the moment Trond sees a strange figure coming out of the dark behind his home, the reader is immersed in a decades-deep story of searching and loss, and in the precise, irresistible prose of a newly crowned master of fiction. Six of us met in October to discuss Wuthering Heights, a classic by Emily Bronté. We found it to be incomprehensible that such a book could be written by Bronté, a woman in her 20s who had lived a sheltered life. If you want to read further ahead, we will be reading The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, by Stieg Larsson, for December. —Mary Brannan Bridge Group: Bids on Nov. 10 The next meeting of the RAPS Bridge Group will be at Willamette View, 12705 SE River Road, Portland, at 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 10. The group is open to all members of RAPS. If you need information about the group, please call me at 503-2920838. If you would like to play, please let me know no later than Friday, Nov. 6. —Colin Dunkeld Hikers: Forest Park on Nov. 20 Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, our November hike will be a week earlier, on Nov. 20. We will hike a loop of Past Tense SHERIDAN ENDS ON A HIGH NOTE Wilma Sheridan was a young teacher in the Portland Public Schools when Portland State College experienced strong growth in numbers of students. John Stehn, head of the Department of Music, contacted Verne Wilson, the supervisor of music in Portland, and asked if there was a music teacher who could teach a class in elementary music methods. Wilson recommended Wilma, and her association with Portland State began. Within a year, a night class was added, and with Marge Albertson’s retirement, Wilma was invited to join the faculty of Portland State University. When John Trudeau was chosen dean of the College of Liberal Arts, President Joseph Blumel appointed Wilma head of the Music Department. Three benchmarks during her tenure as department head were the addition of the Florestan Trio to the faculty, the establishment of the Piano Recital Series, and the Bachelor of Music degree. She also took advantage of a sabbatical to finish a Ph.D., strengthening her music history background. In a reorganization of the departments of PSU, the Departments of Art and Architecture, Dance, Music, and Theater Arts became the School of Fine and Performing Arts. Several years into this new organization, John Trudeau retired and Wilma was appointed the first woman dean at PSU. During her career at Portland State, Wilma saw the mission of the departments in Fine and Performing Arts broaden from that of primarily training public school teachers to offering professional preparation for many diverse careers in the arts. Past Tense features glimpses into Portland State’s history. To submit a story (or an idea for one), e-mail the RAPS History Preservation Committee at raps@pdx.edu. trails in Forest Park north of Cornell Road. Round trip will be four miles or less with some elevation gain. Lunch will be at a restaurant in Northwest Portland. Meet at 9:30 a.m. at the Portland Audubon Society located on Cornell Road. A small group of hikers traveled 45 miles to the Tillamook State Forest Interpretive Center on Oct. 23. There we viewed the exhibits and a 15-minute video on the Tillamook Burns of 1933, 1939, and 1945. Afterwards we opened our umbrellas and walked a little more than three miles round trip along the Wilson River. Confirm your participation with Larry Sawyer at 503-771-1616 or larry_sawyer@comcast.net. —Larry Sawyer RAPS club reports