
— 4 — In memoriam: Mildred L. Bennett, 1921-2009 Professor Emerita of Mathematical Sciences Mildred L. Bennett, born Sept. 23, 1921, died on Feb. 8, 2009. Prof. Bennett was born in Portland and earned a B.S. degree in mathematics at Oregon State University in 1942. Subsequently she took employment with the Westinghouse Electronics engineering department and the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn Research Laboratories prior to returning to Oregon in 1956 and joining the newly formed Portland State College’s Division of Science as a mathematics instructor. As a pioneering faculty member, Prof. Bennett energetically provided top-level mathematics instruction to large classes. Over the years, a selfless dedication to instructional objectives generated a lasting popularity with students, and earned the highest respect from collaborating colleagues representing various departments throughout the institution. In consonance with the new college’s mission to serve the metropolitan region’s higher education needs, Prof. Bennett introduced many on-campus innovations in mathematics education, notably for elementary and secondary teachers. She also participated in teacher training programs sponsored by the National Science Foundation and the U.S. Office of Education that deployed her expertise on the campus, and sometimes concurrently in public school classrooms. Her ongoing legacy includes a regionally emulated Math Resources Lab that serves the Mathematical Sciences Department as an integral component of classroom teacher training courses, and a very successful student tutorial methods program. As a community outreach effort, she regularly directed in-service training and assisted with the development and selection of public school teaching materials at state and local levels. Intellectual and scholarly inquisitiveness motivated her to keep abreast of developments in her discipline. The Mathematical Sciences Department heavily utilized her organizational and managerial skills for devising coursework and preparing class schedules. She willingly assumed advising responsibilities that assisted large numbers of students to navigate through the University’s sometimes baffling degree requirements channels. Prof. Bennett regularly served on University-wide governance units, including the President’s Advisory Council, the Faculty Senate, and various academic committees. She was very knowledgeable about many disciplines, and often served on master’s degree examinations for other departments. Indeed, Prof. Bennett was well known, respected, and universally liked by her colleagues. Mildred and her late husband, Walter, enjoyed a wide circle of campus and community friends and often participated in RAPS activities. Their daughters, Ruthanne and Edie Bennett, Kathleen Mullen, and Mayche Cech, survive their parents, and to them our organization extends its heartfelt sympathy. On Feb. 15 a memorial service was held at Rose City Park United Methodist Church. After Prof. Bennett retired as professor emeritus on June 16, 1992, she continued to serve as a campus volunteer and occasionally taught at Portland Community College. The University community owes Mildred a debt of gratitude and admiration for her selfless contributions to its successful development. —Victor C. Dahl, Professor Emeritus of History The University of Washington Retirement Association will host a regional gathering of representatives from higher education retirement associations on April 30 and May 1 in Seattle. As many as a dozen higher education retirement associations from Washington, Idaho, Oregon, and British Columbia will be represented at the meeting. RAPS delegates, designated by President Marge Terdal, are Bruce Stern, Vic and Beryl Dahl, and Robert Vogelsang. This is an opportunity to focus on shared organizational issues, program ideas, and future directions for retirees and retirement associations. Participating associations will determine interest in future such gatherings and the possibility of hosting at various locations. UW retirement group hosts regional spring meeting