
—2— Bonneville Dam tour kicks off monthly RAPS program activities RAPS’ monthly program and speakers series starts off the year on Thursday, Sept. 18, with a tour of Bonneville Dam. President-elect Larry Sawyer, who is coordinating the monthly series, noted that public access to the dam has been more restricted since 9-11. However, by working with a retired U.S. Army Corp of Engineers officer, Sawyer has arranged a tour of the first powerhouse, which was completed in1937. The group will have access to the powerhouse floor and control room. “If you’ve never been up close to these massive generators and the water conduits, it can be quite an experience,” Sawyer says. The RAPS group will lunch at the picnic grounds close to the fish hatchery from noon to 1 p.m.; bring your own plates, eating utensils, and drinks, plus a dish to share. The tour will start between 1:30 and 2p.m. If you prefer not to drive—the dam is about 40 miles east of Portland—Sawyer says to meet at 11 a.m. on the top level of Parking Structure 1 on SW Broadway, where carpools will be arranged. Because the Corps of Engineers wants to have an approximate number of people who will tour, confirm your attendance with Sawyer by e-mailing him at larry_sawyer@comcast.net or calling him at 503-7711616. He wants to know if you will picnic and if you will drive or carpool. He also wants to know if you want to take the dam tour or prefer a self-guided tour of the fish hatchery. Future programs include a docent-guided tour of the Oregon Historical Society in October and a presentation by Thomas Palm, who willl speak on Estonia since the fall of the Soviet Union, in January. Sawyer is also planning the president’s luncheon, the annual holiday party at the Multnomah Athletic Club, and the ice cream social in May. Sawyer invites suggestions for additional RAPS programs. RAPS welcomes new members Sandra Anderson Professor of Social Work Daniel Johnson Professor of Geography J. Michael Shaughnessy Professor of Mathematics and Statistics RAPS’ new office manager is MiMi Bernal-Graves, who is pursuing a Master of Education, specializing in sustainability, at Portland State. She received her undergraduate degree in environmental studies with emphasis in biology from Pacific University. While attending Pacific, BernalGraves held many positions with Theta Nu Alpha Sorority, and during her tenure as president, the sorority received the Community Service of the Year Award. She also had the opportunity to present research regarding the effects of organo-chlorine pesticides on Columbia River white sturgeon at the National Society of Toxicology. Bernal-Graves has worked with SOLV as a site coordinator, field volunteer, and office volunteer, and has volunteered as a science fair judge for children in the Portland metro area. Her activities outside of volunteer work include participation in the Lance Armstrong Livestrong annual bike ride, Race for the Cure, Lake Run, and the Shamrock Run. Bernal-Graves enjoys participating in events that support organizations such as Doernbecher Children’s Hospital and organizations that donate to cancer research. In her spare times she enjoys a walk in the Portland Rose Garden, Portland Saturday Market, a day at the beach, or a hike in the mountains. She also likes to crochet, cook, garden, read, and spend time with her husband. She loves animals and has two birds and a bunny that are very spoiled. The RAPS office is on the second floor of the Koinonia House, which is on SW Montogmery at SW Broadway. MiMi Bernal-Graves Education grad student is new RAPS office manager