BridgeGroup: June 10 at Willamette View The RAPS Bridge Group will meet at 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 10, at Willamette View. We will also continue to meet through the summer at the same time on the second Tuesday of each month. If you are interested in playing or need more information about the group, please contact me at 503-292-0838 or colinkeld@gmail.comno later than the Friday before the game. —Colin Dunkeld Club reports . . . continued from page 3 Like input on your writing project? Writers’ Response Group can help If you are writing anything . . . a journal, memoirs, recent (or not so recent) travel, letters to the editor, poems, economic forecasts, stories for children, The Search for Cannons and Beeswax on the Oregon Coast, or even the novel that the world is waiting for, and you would like to share your efforts, the Writers’ Response Group would like to hear from you. A few months ago, two or three RAPSters began meeting once a week in one another’s homes. They bring something they have written and read it to the group, talk about it, ask questions, and share similar experiences. They do not get picky about punctuation or anything else—unless asked. They are not editors; they respond much as the Book Group responds to the books they have read. The only way to find out exactly what they do is to show up and see for yourself. For more information, you can call Colin Dunkeld at 503-292-0838 or e-mail RAPS’ Summer Picnic on for August Mark Thursday, August 21, on your calendar-that’s the date of the RAPS’ Summer Picnic at Willamette Park, SW Macadam and Nebraska Street, Portland. The picnic gets under way at 3:30 p.m. and wraps up at 6:00 p.m. Bring your own beverages and a salad, hot dish, or dessert to share. Individuals can bring wine and beer, although no hard liquor is allowed. Parking is available to seniors for $1. RSVP to the RAPS Office, 503-725-3447 or A note from your award-winning* editor In my last note to you, which you no doubt remember reading in the June 2007 edition of The RAPS Sheet, I invited contributions to two newsletter features, “Our Traveling Retirees” and “Our Active Retirees,” during 2007-08. You came through handsomely: Mort Paglin told us what he’s doing (a lot); Marge and Leif Terdal reported on their trip to Antarctica; and Gordon Solie related what happens to a bassoonist on the loose in Brazil. All were enjoyable, lively stories that entertained and enlightened, and I encourage RAPSters to submit more. About 500 words will do the job—and if you don’t feel like writing it yourself, give me a call (503-639-9322 or vikingdoug@ Photos always enhance an article— but be sure to set your digital camera to the highresolution setting. Steve Brannan was instrumental in developing a new feature, “Past Tense,” which debuted last fall. “Past Tense” provides glimpses into the history of Portland State, and Steve and I would appreciate hearing about your insights into the corners of PSU history. (Of course, they do have to be suitable for publication!) Best wishes for a wonderful summer! —Doug Swanson, Editor *Third place ribbon, sixth-grade boys high jump, Junipero Serra School, Carmel, Calif., May 1962. RAPSSheet breaks for summer This is the last issue of The RAPS Sheet for the 2007-2008 academic year. Publication will resume with the September issue. Please direct questions about The RAPS Sheet to Doug Swanson, 503-639-9322 or