
NAME __________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS ______________________________________________________________________________ CITY ________________________________________________ STATE ________ ZIP __________ PHONE __________________________________ E-MAIL ______________________________________ Method of payment: My check is enclosed in the amount of $34.95 payable to PSU Foundation. Please charge my credit card: Visa MasterCard AmEx Discover Card number Exp. date Name as it appears on card ________________________________ Signature of cardholder________________________________________________________________ Return this form to: Retired Association of Portland State—RAPS Koinonia House Portland State University PO Box 751 Portland OR 97207-0751 Order your pre-publication copy today by filling out the order form and mailing it to the RAPS office. The price of $34.95 includes free shipping. For further information, contact MiMi Bernal-Graves, RAPS office manager, at raps@pdx.edu or 503-7253447. Portland State: A History in Pictures will be available winter 2009. Three years in the making, this project of the Retired Association of Portland State contains more than 300 color and black-and-white photos that document PSU’s history, events, and people. At 180 pages and in a big, 8-1/2 x 11 format, Portland State: A History in Pictures is a great addition to your personal library and makes a terrific gift. Writing by Richard Sanders ‘57, photo editing by Brent Schauer, and editing by Charlie White and Clarence Hein ‘65. Portland State: A History in Pictures