
Book Club: Sex in the post-Civil War city The Book Club will next meet on April 15 at the home of Betsy Brown, 1500 NE 15th, in Portland, near Lloyd Center. Call her at 503-493-4870. We will discuss Sex Wars, written by Marge Piercy. It is historical fiction described on the jacket: Post-Civil War New York City was the battleground of the American dream: an era of vast fortunes and crushing poverty; a time notorious for free love and the emerging rights of women, yet one that saw the rise of brutal sexual repression and the enforcement of prejudice. Though life was hard, the promise of change was in the air. Women were agitating for civil rights, including the vote. Immigrants were pouring into the city, bringing with them a new energy. Embodying the times is Freydeh, a spirited young Jewish woman from Russia . . . She learns that her younger sister is adrift somewhere in the city and begins a search that carries her through brothels and prison. Interwoven with Freydeh’s story is a vividly wrought account of such real-life heroines—often at odds with the law as well as societal customs—as Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, and Victoria Woodhull, the first woman to run for president and an activist for sexual freedom. Depicted as well is the fundamentalist crusader Anthony Comstock, who fought to eliminate sexual expression, pushing for the passage of laws that still haunt our legal system. In the tradition of her World War II epic Gone to Soldiers, Marge Piercy re-creates a turbulent period in American history witnessed through the lives of its most notorious figures and explores the changing attitudes toward women, minorities, religion, and sexuality in 19th century America, a land of sacrifice, suffering, promise, and reward. Come join us in what promises to be a lively discussion. For March we read Loving Frank, a first novel by Nancy Horan. It is historical fiction about the love affair between Frank Lloyd Wright and Mamah Borthwick Cheney, written from the perspective of Mamah, who was conflicted between the roles of wife, mother, and lover. A major theme was self-determination by women during the early 1900s, which elicited much discussion by our group. —Mary Brannan — 5 — RAPS club reports PAST TENSE President’s Fitness Council taps Mike Tichy In 1956 President Dwight Eisenhower appointed the first members of the newly created President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports. During President Gerald Ford’s administration, the council appointed Michael Tichy, professor of health and physical education at Portland State University, to serve as a special consultant to the board—the first such appointment of an Oregonian. In October 1975 the council awarded Tichy a commendation “for outstanding contributions to its programs and services, to the health and physical fitness of the American people and to the quality of our life and vigor of our society.” Tichy continued to promote the health and well being of Oregonians and to serve as a special consultant to the council until his retirement from Portland State University in June 1992. Past Tense features glimpses into Portland State’s history. To submit a story (or an idea for one), email the RAPS History Preservation Committee at raps@pdx.edu. Hikers: Lacamas Lake Park We hike on the the fourth Friday of the month, and our April 25 hike will be in Lacamas Lake Park near Camas, Wash. There should be some camas in bloom. We will meet at 9:30 a.m. at the small parking lot just south of the bridge between Lacamas Lake and Round Lake. There are several trails in the park, but Nature Walks In & Around Portland recommends a loop that is three miles long. Please confirm to me by Thursday, April 24. Although this is a local hike, it is approaching a distance that makes carpooling worthwhile. If you wish to save gas, let me know, and I will find a carpool for you. Contact me at larry_sawyer@comcast.net or my cell, 503-771-1616. If you are into more strenuous hikes, the Friends of the Columbia Gorge-sponsored spring hikes are out and go through June 22. You can view the schedule at www.gorgefriends.org. —Larry Sawyer Bridge Group: April 8 at Willamette View The next Bridge Group meeting will be at 1:00 p.m. Tuesday, April 8, at Willamette View. If you have questions about the group or would like to play, please call or e-mail me no later than Friday, April 4, at 503-2920838 or colinkeld@gmail.com. —Colin Dunkeld