
Dorothy Sermol, an expert on intercultural communication, was a featured speaker during the conference’s second day. Sermol spoke about the kinds of communication needed to communicate successfully —2— As I prepared to write this copy for an early deadline, I found myself contrasting two recent get-togethers in which I participated. And those experiences emphasized the worth and benefits of membership and participation in retirement and volunteer activities, such as RAPS. The rewards are not just from the formal programs and events, but from the camaraderie and new acquaintances we find where we have a common interest. The Fall Fest ‘07 brought 44 retirement association people from 10 regional universities. Sessions and discussions shared the diverse goals and missions of each group. But common to all groups was the shared purpose of preserving a community of interest for members who, individually, started careers from many different points—but ended up at career’s end in a university community. In our recent RAPS programs, we have heard the life paths of three faculty members that began in the traumas of Europe and World War II. A week ago I attended a reunion of veterans who either didn’t know each other, or hadn’t seen each other, for 35 to 50 years. Our common shared experience was simply having served on the same Korean mountaintop, in the same unit, and with the same mission. It was fascinating to see, from this “community” of youth, where each person’s life path had taken him—as the vagaries of career, fate, and health interplayed. Two orientations: “Looking backward” from our retirement groups, and the ability of “seeing forward” in the reunion of our youthful associations. RAPS (and Robert Vogelsang) received kudos for hosting the regional Fall Fest ‘07 at PSU. Please check your calendars for our fall programs: Nov. 15, Pah Chen on a future alternative “hydrogen economy”; and Dec. 18 for our annual Holiday Dinner. —BobTufts President’s Message Fall Fest ’07 . . . continued from page 1 in other cultures and with various ethnicities. Sermol, a native of Scotland, has lived and taught in Germany, Italy, and Spain. A trio of Professor Darrell Grant’s students provided entertainment at the evening banquet. Sermol, who was trained in opera in Scotland and England, sang several songs to end the evening. The PSU Bookstore, University Place, and RAPS members sponsored door prizes during Fall Fest. The conference featured hosted receptions on Sunday and Monday featuring wine and snacks. Several RAPS board members helped with hosting duties during the conference. This year’s participants were University of British Columbia, Western Washington University, University of Washington, Washington State University, University of Idaho, Central Washington University, Eastern Washington University, Yakima Valley College, Boise State University, Southern Oregon University, and the host institution, Portland State. Boise and Southern attended for the first time. An association president, past president, or board member represented each organization. RAPS mailing seeks info for directory Watch your mailboxes for a RAPS mailing that requests you to update information for our database. The mailing will ask you to check the accuracy of your information, make any needed changes, sign the form, and mail it to the RAPS office. Even if changes arenot necessary, we still need you to sign the form and mail it to the RAPS office. Your signature will allow us to include your information in the upcoming RAPS Membership Directory that will be distributed early in 2008. We need your signed permission to include you in the directory listings. The directory will be distributed only to RAPS members and will not appear on-line. Your prompt return of the form will help us prepare the directory in a timely manner.