Upcoming programs —2— March 15: DA Michael Schrunk Our Potluck Luncheon, featuring Michael D. Schrunk, Multnomah County district attorney, will be at noon Thursday, March 15, in 236 Smith Memorial Union. The potluck has become a welcome occasion. Please RSVP by March 9 to Darshana Patel by email at RAPS@pdx.edu or by phone at 503725-3447. Please indicate what you are bringing—hearty salad, dessert, or bread item—and the number in your party. We will supply plates (paper), utensils (plastic), and drinks (real). You should supply an appetite and conviviality. Mike Schrunk has served as district attorney of Multnomah County since 1981. He is a graduate of Portland State University and of the University of Oregon law school. Schrunk is past president of the Multnomah County Bar Association and the Oregon District Attorney’s Association. He currently chairs the Regional Organized Crime Narcotics Task Force and is a member of Multnomah County’s Public Safety Coordinating Council. He served as a captain in the U.S. Marine Corps in Vietnam. March 29: New date for engineering tour Our Engineering Building tour has been rescheduled for Thursday, March 29. The location is 1930 SW Fourth Ave.; please meet in the atrium at 1:00 p.m. Light refreshments will follow the tour. May 17: ‘Escape from Nazi-Occupied Norway’ For May, our speaker will be Leif Terdal, Ph.D., clinical psychologist and professor emeritus at OHSU. He will give a talk and present a slideshow entitled “Escape from Nazi-Occupied Norway: A Mother and Three Boys.” Please mark Thursday, May 17, 1:00 p.m., at University Place, 310 SW Lincoln St. This meeting is also our ice cream social event. President’s Message There are a number of persons who volunteer their time to RAPS, and, in fact, make a difference. I’d like to acknowledge the wonderful programming that has come from our president-elect and program chair, Bob Tufts. Bob has produced an interesting, thought-provoking, and well-balanced series of programs. He has been a real pleasure to work with, and I look forward to assisting him during his presidency during the next academic year. I would also like to recognize the invaluable contributions of Mary GordonBrannan, our past president. Mary has provided sage advice to Darshana Patel, Bob and I; chaired the membership committee; led the PSU historical book effort from RAPS; and is chair of our nominating committee. In each venture she has performed at a very high level. The contributions of these two individuals are worth special mention. Several others need to be recognized for their contributions above and beyond the call of duty. Stay tuned. I leave you with one of my favorite quotations by one of the most loved, humorous, and down-to-earth authors of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Mark Twain noted: “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” —Bruce Stern Mike Schrunk April 24: New date for President’s Luncheon Our annual President’s Luncheonand RAPS awards event has changed to Tuesday, April 24. Please note the change on your calendar, and we hope that your calendar can accommodate this President’s Annual Luncheon for Faculty and Staff. Invitations will be mailed in early March. For more information, please contact Darshana Patel at raps@pdx.edu or 503-725-3447.