
RAPS club reports Book Club goes exploring with Capt. Cook The RAPS Book Group will meet on June 19 at 1:30 p.m. at the home of Betsy Brown, 1400 NE 16th, No. 107. Call her at 503-493-4870 to RSVP and for directions. We will talk about Blue Latitudes by Tony Horowitz, Pulitzer prize-winning journalist. The book is described on the cover: Blue Latitudes retraces Capt. James Cook’s three epic journeys in the 18th century, the last great voyages of discovery. When he embarked for the Pacific in 1768, a third of the globe remained blank. By the time he died in 1779, during a bloody clash in Hawaii, the map of the world was substantially complete. In Blue Latitudes, Horowitz sets off on his own voyage of discovery. Adventuring in Cook’s wake, he relives the captain’s journeys and explores their legacy in the far-flung lands Cook opened to the West. At sea, aboard a replica of Cook’s ship, he works atop a 100-foot mast, sleeps in a narrow hammock, and recaptures the rumand-the-lash world of 18th century seafaring. On land, he meets native people — aboriginal and Aleut elders, Maori gang members, the king of Tonga — for whom Cook is alternately a heroic navigator and a villain who brought syphilis, guns and greed to the unspoiled Pacific. We met on May 15 at an historic home in Kings Heights, originally built for Aaron Frank, the Meier and Frank co-founder. The group discussed Ursula K. LeGuin’s Always Coming Home. Our summer schedule and book selections have not been determined. For information, contact Mary Brannan at brannanmg@comcast.net or 503-239-1077. —Mary Brannan Hikers stride from tram to coast RAPS hikers have an ambitious summer schedule: June 22—Tram and transit hike. Arrangements have been made for complimentary tram tickets through OHSU provost Leslie Hallick. The hike will take us from Council Crest to the Oregon Zoo. Early reservations are necessary for tram tickets. Contact Maxine Thomas at ondangwa@yahoo.comor 503-291-1279. July 27—Marge Terdal has invited us to her beach house, where we have the option to stay overnight Friday. Friday hikes can be as difficult as Neahkahnie Mountain or as easy as the beach (there will be a minus tide). There’s shopping for nonhiking spouses. The Terdal house has sleeping for six plus carpets for throwing out a sleeping bag. Food to share at the Terdals is suggested. Contact Marge Terdal after June 30 at dbmt@pdx.edu or 503-244-5714. Consider joining the Terdals and Sawyers on a hike on Saturday. August 24—Eagle Creek in the Gorge to Devil’s Punch Bowl or to the bridge if the group decides for the extra mile or two. Sack lunch. Unless noted otherwise, the contact person is Larry Sawyer, 503-771-1616 or larry_sawyer@comcast.net. Please confirm with him by the Thursday before the hike. —Larry Sawyer Bridge Group meets June 12 Our next meeting will be at the home of Irene Place at Willamette View at 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 12. If you would like to play, please call or email Mike Fiasca, 503-675-8171 or mmfiasca@aol.com, no later than Friday, June 8. The group will continue to meet on the second Tuesday of each month throughout summer. For information, please call or email Colin Dunkeld, 503-292-0838 or colinkeld@gmail.com. —Colin Dunkeld requested that remembrances should be sent to the Library’s Rose-Wright Manuscript Collection of illuminated leaves from 12th to 16th century European books. All of us owe a debt of gratitude to Janet for long years of dedicated service to PSU’s academic mission. Our organization sends its heartfelt condolences to her family. —Victor C. Dahl, Professor Emeritus of History, with assistance from Professor Helen H. Spalding, University Librarian In memoriam: Janet Wright . . . from page 2 A note from your fearless editor When the RAPS Sheet resumes publication next September, I’d very much like to continue two features, “Our Traveling Retirees” and “Our Active Retirees,” that my predecessor, Jack Cooper, started during his three years as editor of the RAPS Sheet. I agree with Jack that these features, which provide an opportunity to learn where our colleagues have been and what they’re up to, give us a sense of community. To have three or four of these features appear during 2007-08 seems about right. They need not be a chore to write—about 500 words is tops for a RAPS Sheet article. If you have photos that illustrate your story, so much the better. On the other hand, you need not write at all. Call or email me with your story idea, and I’ll do the heavy lifting. You can reach me at 503-639-9322 or vikingdoug@comcast.net. Have a great summer! —Doug Swanson, Editor