Portland Times Annual_1919-08-02
.. W. D. ALLEN, President - --- J. A. Merrlman,-M~ t:.te pioneer physician of the race In Oregon, hav– ing passed the Oregon State Board of Medical Examiners in 19Cal. His lit· erary training was at l'alladega Col– lege, from which .Ire was graduated In 1891, and hi" medical degree was gfvetf by Rush Medical College, the affiliated medical school of the Uni– versity of Chicago, in 1902. He was appointed a four-minute man for the duration of the war, was enrolled as a member of the Volunteer Medical Service Cor1>s authorized by the Coun– cil of National Defense in 1918. The following extracts from the Presl– deut·s letter ot tne 01unteer r.leoicar Service Corps-subject: "Notification of election to membership," Is con– sidered highly appreciated honor: "Your application for membership In the Volunteer Medical Service Corps has been approved by your State Committee and the Central Governing Board, and you are hereby notified of your election to membership in the Volunteer Medical Service Corps. . . In the past we have had many sur– veys and numerous classifications based upon these surveys, but this Is the first one in which the classifica– tion Is based on his ability, supple– mented by a verification of lt by state and· county committees." The doctor has offices in the Macleay Building. E. R. RICHARDSON W. D. Allen, proprietor of the Gol· den West Hotel, was born In Nash– ville, Tenn. He graduated from the high school of that city in 1893, liv– ing in Montreal until 1901, then came to Portland. Shortly after his ar– rival he engaged ln business, conduct– ing the Climax Cafe till 1906. He then went Into his present quarters, known as the Golden West Hotel, where he has conducted a very profit– able business. Mr. Allen married Miss Lillian Medley of Montreal, Can– ada, and they have a family of three chlldren. George P. Moore Is the manager of the Golden West Social and Ath– letic Club. He is chief exponent of the "flstic art," and being of an ath– letic trend of mind, promotes the many boxing matches between col– ored and white boys, and has furn– ished many classy bouts at the smok– ers given In this city. Mr. Moore is married and lives with his family In Portland. A very Interesting fact not known to many people Is that Mr. Moore was left an orphan, has no blood relation known to him, but that has not prevented him striving to make the most of his opportunity as a self-made man. THE PORTLAND TIME:fS \ \ WM. J. McLAMORE Asso. Editor and Business Manager GEORGE P. MOORE Treasurer W.R. LEE J. A. MERRIMAN, M.D. Vice-President and Editor W. R. Lee is one of the incorpora· tors of the Portland Times. At pres· ent he is in Columbia, S. C., seeking recovery of health which began failing about nine months ago. He has been unable to give any time to the paper because of the lack of physical strength, but has always done his share to make the Portland Times desirable. Mr. Lee is with his par– ents who reside in the south. His associates wish him speedy recovery, for he has many friends. William J. McLamore, Associate Editor and Business Manager, comes direct to the Times from California. J. D. Emery ls one of the business men of our city who has taken over the circulation department of The Times and is giving his energies to this new field of endeavor. He has lived in Portland for several years and has a host of friends. He may be classed as one of the responsible men, whose word means much In bus– iness transactions. Mr. Emery can be found at his desk busy looking out for the interest of the Portland Times. Mr. McLamore was editor and ln– teres .::;;~=i:":.1~=:;;;;;;;!l;;iaikJ=ili",J!~~.:::S~ililCii=::=;=~.i:=:;i a weekly published In San Francisco. He sold his Interest to his associate and came to Portland, and joined the statT of the Portland Times. He !11 a capable newspaper man, having had broad experience in that line. He has charge of the Times of• flees with competent assistants, and through his untiring efforts the Times has grown. Mr. McLamore Is mar– ried and his wife Is with him In the city. Both are desirable additions to this community. Mr. McLamore is striving to make the Times the great– est newspaper on the Pacific Coast. He has the 11upport of the entire 11talf and incorporators. E. R. Rk hardson, the pioneer trans– fer race man of Portland, lives with his family at 901 Mallory Avenue, Is interested in the Portland Times, be· Ing one of the incorporators. Mr. Richardson has an office and storage room opposite the North Bank Station and with his automobile truck trans· fers baggage to all parts of the city and Vancouver, Wash. He Is one of the wide awake members of the race and keeps in touch with every race activity. He has the utmost faith in the future of Portland, and Is an honor to the city and a firm be· llever in the great future of the Portland Times. J. E. EMERY Circulation Manager .•;;;;:.::.::::.:::.·· ~ ;;;;;;;;• THE PORTLAND TIMES STANDS FOR PROGRESSIVE CITIZENSHIP, EVERY CITIZEN WORKING HAND IN HAND TO MAKE PORTLAND THE BEST CITY IN THE WORLD. IT IS UP TO EACH MAN, WOMAN AND CHILD TO BOOST ALL THE TIME FOR PORTLAND. THE PORTLAND TIMES IS CONTROLLED BY PORT– LAND'S MOST PROGRESSIVE NEGRO CITIZENS, MOST OF WHOM ARE PIONEERS IN THEIR LINE OF BUSINESS. THEY HAVE CAST THEIR LOT IN THIS CITY, AND RECORDS WILL SHOW THAT THEY HAVE SUPPORTED EVERY WORTH-WHILE ENDEAVOR THAT MAKES FOR THE WELFARE OF THIS CITY, LIBERAL IN SPIRIT AND DESIROUS OF BETTER CONDITIONS. PORTLAND'S MOST PROGRESSIVE BUSINESS MEN ARE DETERMINED TO MAKE THE TIMES A NE\VSPAPER THAT IS LIBERAL AND JUST TO EVERY– ONE, A MEDIUM THROUGH WHICH ANY CITIZEN, REGARDLESS OF COLOR, RELIGIOUS AND FRATERNAi· BELIEFS MAY EXPRESS HIMSELF FREELY. THANKING EVERYONE WHO HAS SUPPORTED US DURING THE '.PAST, WE LOOK TO THE UTURE FOR GREATER THINGS FOR THIS CITY. ...... 1 I I
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