Portland Times Annual_1919-08-02
J \ . ' . , _, MRS. L. K. WEEKS MRS. L. K. WEEKS Probation Officer of the Juvenile Court Came to this city in November, 1900, from Washington, D. C. She was known there as Miss Lizzie Koonce, the popular, hustling, little business girl, who stood loyally by her broth– ers, assisting them in successfully conducting for several years three excellent cafes, noted for their clean– liness, artistic arrangement and the general business air surrounding them. Much of the success of this work was due to the untiring efforts of Miss Koonce. She came to Portland to visit her brother, Mr. Jess Koonce, liked it so well that she decided to remain, and three years later she married Mr. Geo. Weeks, hence making this city her home. e is recognized here as a woman possessing much business tac and ability. She held for many months the position of matron of the Frazier Detention Home, being the first woman of color to occupy such a position. More than a year ago she was appointed by Judge Tazwell, probation o!Iicer of the Juvenile Court. She still holds this position. Notwithstanding the many duties her public work demands, she makes time to keep her home and its surround– ings in beautiful condition, so that she is always prepared to extend the hand of hospitality without em– barrassment. These duties, together with church work and embroidery– for she is an artist with the needle and has taught classes, both white and colored - gives her very rcw spare momer;t;;. MR. AND MRS. W. R. PEEKS 410 North 21st ~t. I \ ( I I - MRS W. R. PEEKS Is a retired dressmak~r and bears the distinction of being a flee tailor– css, ranking among the best in Port– land. She is an active church worker, bPing identified with the Episcopal mission. W.R. PEEKS East 9th Street M1M1M1M1@1M1M1WJIMIMl'-\»l'-\»lM/!}l!l/.,VJIM1M1MIMIM1MffWM1M1M1MIMM · .. c,r·.·"'0"~><···· </ i <,.·,:-r·~.:]ii; ;:\\li MR. AND MRS. GEORGE WEEKS 444 Ben ton Street GEORGE SINGLETON Is one of the pioneers of Portland. He has lived in this city since the time it was a one-street hamlet along the river front until tbe preaent-a metropolitan city of many thous..nds. He can b -fltJ ty called a land– mark, for he ha,i some knowledge of every tDlproYement In Portland u g ~g.;; MR. W. R. PEEKS One of Pc,1 tland's most substantial citizens, who has accumulated some very deslrable property in this city. He is a reliable and very industrious citizen and has worked steadily at the Portland Hotel for many years. W. R. PEEKS 893 Mallory Avenue I ' • , .,. . I
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