Portland Times_1920
Phone Main 29815 CHARLIE R. MEINS, Prop. Advance Auto Tourinr Co. Three 1119 Model1 81ven PaHenger Cara for Hire Anywhere at Any Time · 8tand 1211 Fourth SL, cor, Waeh. Phone Main 81111 ChappeJl's FLOWER SHOP Beautiful Prompt Flowera Service U1 MORRISON STREET N. w. Bank Bldg. Holman Undertaking Company ,uN•RAL ~IR.CTORI llltabllllhed 1877 Third and Salmon 8trHte Main I07, A 1111 LADT ASSISTANT KENRY THE FOUITH Extra Maid Key Weet Clgare WILDMAN & CO. Dlatrlbutora For aa1e at Golden Weet Hotel SlYl[ R~DA~l;K· JUSl SlARl[R MERll HATS 830 WASHINGTON STREET Opp. lmperla1 Hotel Sole Agents for Vanity Hate "IheLunetta Franklin & Stanlleld, Propa. 80ft Drlnka, Clgara and Tobaooo 400 Qllean Street EUCLID LODGE NO. 48 4 Euclid Lodge No. 48, A. F. & A. M., meet• the second and fourth Monday nlghttl at Cal· edonlan Hall, Second and Yamhill Streeta. W. R. Lee, Secretary. • 110 BROADWAY I Insure Everything Haith and Accident Insurance LIFE INSURANCE FIRE INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE WHAT DO YOU NEED7 Morgan T. Jackson Main 1492 Broadway 1116 ~00000000000000 DeweyHayden TRUCK HAULING TRANSFER AND BAGGAGE PHONE BROADWAY 2297 I North Portla~d Plu~bino co. I · DO YOUR PLUMBING 125 North Twelfth Street Phone Broadway 1551 W, D, ALLEN, Prop. LOUIS L, ALLEN, Mgr, Broadway 2247, 21815, A 111118 Golden West Hotel 100 Rooms, Newly Furnished Throughout-Hot and Cold Water--Steam Heat BROADWAY AT EVERETT ST. PORTLAND,OREGON L.C.HenricbsenCo. Th• sreate,t /IOOd for the lea,t po.1nbl• expen,e E, 0. MATTERN, Optometrlat 388 Washington St., Bet. W, Parl. and Tenth TAILOR PORTLAND, OREGON Telephone Main 1589 TIP TOP BRACER· and RUBY MIST Blumauer & Hoch. Distributors, Portland, Or. FINLEY'S FUNERAL SERVICE The l'inle:, institution offera to all the re– finement ·and elegance of a fine home. Our service remain• aJ.waya the a&me. Lack of meana ii no longer a b&rrier to the beat funeral J. P. FINLEY & &ON DEPEND.ABLE PUNEB.AL DIB.J:OTOBS Montgomery at Pifth THE Hardeman Hat Store Better Hats for Men 344 Washington St. Morgan Bldg. MONTfiOMERY REPAIR SHOPi ~u.974.- ~AONT &TREET, COR. MONTGOMERY . Automobile repairing by expert mechanic,. Hlgh-claH work a 1peclalty. We give each job careful lnepectlon by a mechanic thoroughly famlllar with that particular make of car, Try u,. WA8HINQ-POLISHING TIRES AND ACCESSORIES Phone Marahall 1779 Towing Night or Day DUKE JACKSON 4 80N8 Rea. East 8858 THE PORTLAND TIMES ~==~ILE. Q~EE~ ==:i·:• "For Hair and Skin" Better than the Best N'de Queen Whitener and Cleanser Nile Queen Hair Beautifier Nile Queen Cream Powder-5 Shades Nile Queen Cold Cream Nile Queen Vanishing Cream Nile Queen Rouge Nile Queen Cream Balm ~ile Queen Dandruff Remedy Nile ·Queen Liquid Powder Nile Queen Shampoo 50c each FREE Write for New FREE DeLuxe Beauty Book Manufactured by the ~tltgft CHEMICAL CO. 312 South Clark Dept.. • . • CHICAGO, ILL. For sale at all drug stores and first class Beauty Shops. If your druggist does not have it write us and send Sc extra for postage, or write for'agency, ' For Sale By: Murphy Beasley, 414 Flanders St. Drug Stores and Beauty Shops a";ery. where. Look for Agents in your town. Dept. 48 GOid8U 0 WO~s"Ocial & AthiBtiCLLeaoue BROADWAY AT EVERETT STREET Phonee: A 111118, Broadway 77 D•NV•R ID, MARTIN, Phyelcal lnatructor TURKISH BATH8 PORTLAND, OREGON l'hou KalA 5788 Mish Furniture Co!}1pany raasft'VIUI, avea, •..a~•. :11'1'0. Bve~ for U.. Som• We Trut You SMOKE EL-ROI-TAN---All Sizes For S;ile at Allen 4 Greene'• In Golden West Hotel Rosenfeld, Smith Company, Dlatrlbutore SANDY Portland's KODAK and PENMAN Films In at 1 at 6 they•re done "Service With a Smile" Golden West Candy Shop W, D. ALLEN AND A. Q. GREEN, Propa. CHOICI CANDIES, NUT&, CIQARI AND TOBACCOI A880RTED ICI CR.AM & In Golden Weet Hotel Broadway at lverett It. HUBBARD Jl8'!nDla B. JIVJIB£JID, lmproncl 11e1'bo411 for ~era la •11111o. 75 Baat 581'b 8$., •· 'J!abor 9419 81drte :K&A• to Oder l'llata ... 4e to Order Work Clllllecl for and Dellnnct FRENCH-CANADIAN PANTATORIUM ClrJU.JnJrct, :PaJIB8Jllct, aBPAJB.Jll& :.a:a•CJB D8Y ClrJU.JnJrct 0 . B. FLUNORY, Prop. 108 •orui. Bro&4W&J' l'hon• .A.11174 Portland, 0N8'0ll 1-: LARf.q~TJ!!!.D ROOMS I Modem In All Their Appointment, MR8, A, L, MCBROOM 267 Cherry Street Phone Eaat 8584 BUNGALOW $2650 This le e. very pretty home. It he.e e. living room with ftre.ple.ce dining room with built-In buffet, Dutch kitchen, z nice bedrooms e.nci be.1 th, beautiful electric light l\xture11, nice lawn and roses. Located 3 b ocke to Monte.villa car. Owner will Mell for $600 cash, balance easy monthly payments. We have other bungalows and houses from $2000 to $5000 on easy payments. Let us show you. ClOB .A.. XoJUl••.a. II ClO, aa Polll'th Bt., Boo.rd of ~ BJ.4', KIWl 45llll, Opell l!ln!Wllr• Portland's Oldest, Greatest, Most Modern Store The Store of Service and Accommodation l~B Portlan~ Tiriles The Newspaper with a Backbone-Proved by its vigorous editorials on live issues. The Newspaper with Brains-Proved by its intelligent handling of the news of the day and by its discussions of the World's Problems. The Newspaper with a Bea.rt and a Soul– Proved by its eternal insistenc~ upon De– mocracy and upon the rights of all classes and all races to genuine freedom. THE TIMES deliv– ered to your door for the following rates: For three months.. $0.75 For six months...... 1.25 For one year.......... 2.00 Times • Publishing Co. Suites 221-223 Abington Building Phone Main 299 ·, • ~ At $10.75 Per Ton Delivered In Bulk ROSLYN·CASCADE LUMP COAL AND STANDARD UTAH Are Recommended aa Cheaper Than Other Fuel EDLEFSEN FUEL COMPANY 301 OAK ST. NEAR FIFTH 9 Wm. MOORE, Prop. Work called for and delivered. Give ua a Trial. CLUB SHINING PARLOR 251 Waahln&"ton St. Portl~nd, Ore&'OD, Home Phone, A 6518 Pacific, Brpadway 2165 GOLDEN WEST CAFE WO GONG, Manager Merchant'• Lunch Dally 25c Special Sunday Dinner 50c American and Chinese Kitchen CHOP SUEY AND NOODLES • Your Patronage Sollclted 345 EVERETT STREET, near Golden West Hotel, PORTLAND, ORE. $~0 Worth of Furniture '6,00 CA8H-t1,00 A WEEK $100 Worth of Furniture t10,00 CA8 H-tz.OO A WEEK HOME OF COMFORT COLLARS The Laundry That WIii Pleue You East 150Broadway 3017 The Colored Women's Council Meetl the Flret and Fourth Monday Afternoon In each Month, at 2:30 MRS, W. H. LEWIS, President MRS. GEN~VA MORRISON, Secretary CARABANA CLEAR HAVANA CIQAR8 Large, Z for 211c.--Small, 10c.--4 for 25-A 81ze for Every Man. Alway, the 8ame Unvarying Clear H11vana Quality MASON, EHRMAN &- CO., "1:>lltrlbuwrw Portland, Ore. A Complete Shop In Every Department Auto·Lac, the Beat Top Dreulng THE AUTO TOP CO. 431 BURNSIDE STREET AT ELEVENTH Phone Broadway 75 Bulldel'I of Auto Bodies, Wheel,, Foredoora, Etc, Top Making and AUTO PAINTING. Trimmings PORTLAND, OREGON CIOOOOOOCIOO<iOOOCICIOO~OCICIOCIOClo I When You Think of DRUGS or DRUG STORE Wants, Think of WINKLER'S PHARMACY 64 N. SIXTH ST., COR. DAVl8 Phone, Broadway 531 Courteey AHured The R. R. Cafe 118 North Bernard SL, Spokane, Waeh. The oldest Cate In the Northwest la under new management, havlnc been bought out by Mr. Samuel C. Crapps. It Is one of the mo,t up.to- date Cafe'a of our race In the West. Visitors B4'e cordially invited. Firat-claBB eervice in every respect. ~CIOCIOCICICICICICICIOCll)(I~ I SIX ROOM HOUSE For RENT 888 Flret Street Large Chicken Coop on Premise, CALL WOODLAWN 3764 MRS. FULLILOVE THE PHEASANT CLEANING WORKS PHEASANT TAILORS-PHEASANT HATTERS Stand "FOR SUPERIOR SERVICE" Phone Tabor 4483 •If we can get your confidence, we can get your business. Consequently, that is our aim. Not merely for EXPLOITATION, but as FRIEND AND NEIGHBOR, of Portland. We a.re & strictly P~ rtla.nd 1lrm and intend to always live a.nd do business here, and unless we can pin your conftdence our efforts will be in vs.in. . Stout•Lyona Drug Oo••"3 Big Stora•" NORTHUIN P'Aci,1c PHARMACY Third and Morrleon IRVINQTON PHARMACY ..... •-4""'7 "' lffll PERKINS HOTEL PHARMACY ,lf"II and Wuhlngton
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