Portland Times_1920
' . • THE PORTLAND TIMES 21 BICYCLES SPECIAL SALE NOW ON ~ You Can Save $8 TO $10 On a High Grade Bicycle HENDERSON MOTORCYCLE SPEED-.COMl'ORT- POWER , Why not have it all? Call for demonstration .Our Stock of Used Motor– cycles is the largest in the city. DAYTON CYCLE COMPANY 68 SIXTH STREET THE PARTS THAT ARE MISSING WE SUPPLY DAVID HODES ~O. Parts of Every Make of Autos at Half Price THE HOME OF A MILLION PARTS PHONE BROADWAY 196 BROADWAY AND FLANDERS CHERRY'S Incorporated le a Fi rm, Regardless of CLASS OR COLOR, Noted for FAIRNESS with their c:uetomere. They are dlepeneere of Ready Tailored Garmenta for men and women--eoneervlng in prlc:ea and EASY In term. W ith aatlefactory r eferences, you can open a confidential charge account-pay a part of the purchaae price when you get the merchandise and arrange to pay the balance by the week or month, aa may suit your convenle1ce. Their motto -always: " A SATISFIED CUSTOMER." Are exclusive agents for the w•ll·known "ARROW BRAND CLOTHES." Whether a buyer ~r not, LOOK! You'll be treated r ight. 389-91 WASHINGTON ST. PITTOCK BLOCK PHONES : BROADWAY 431 , A 1163 TIRES NEXT TIME BUY FISK CORD TIRES......... .................................................................8000 Mile RED TOP..................................................................................7000 Mile BLACK TOP............................................................................6000 ?4ile SAVAGE TIRES 6000 MILES Bargains in Other Standard Makes at Our New Location 6TH AND BURNUDE STS. PORTLAND TIRE co. PHONE BROAD"'AY 2275 THE PLACE TO DINE THE GOLDEN WEST CAFE American and Chinese Dishes Best :>f Service EVERYTHING IN SEASON W. 0. GONG, Mgr. BROADWAY AT EVERETT ST. PHONE BROADVAY 2165 EYE COMFORT FOR NEAR VIEW AND DISTANCE K R.YPTOK GLASSES Do th·e work of two pairs of glass,s Kryptoks fitt~ the New System per/ect results ,. EELER PTICAL CO. 2nd FLOOR OREGONIAN BLDG. 1, HENRYJENNING&SON WASHINGTON AT FIFTH GOOD FURNITURE FOR YOUR HOME AT THE LOWEST PRICES Portland's greatest furniture house invites you to select from its varied stocks of home furnishings. Here you will find the style and the quality you want at it, proper price, and on the most liberal terms of credit LET US HELP YOU TO MAKE A HOME OF YOUR HOUSE ' 'THE HOME OF GOOD FURNITURE" The COiored ' People Of Th ia City Recommend M. J. WALSH ELECTRIC CO. The BHt Plac1 In the City to Buy Everything Electrlc:al ' ELECTRICAL INSTAL,ATIONS AND REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS Sales Rooms, 106 Fourth St. Phone Main 174 ,"THE LINE COMPLETE " MARMON COLE REO DORT AUTOMOBILES Consists of BETHELHEM MILIJ:R TIRES ' INDIANA REO DUPLEX ACASON TRUCKS UNIV:CRSAL LIGHTING PLANTS PAUL AUTOMATIC WATER PRESSURE SYSTEMS, All) ACCESSORIES A Fully Equipped Repair Department and the Best Auto Pain. Shop in the City NORTHWEST AUTO COMPANY "THE LINE COMPLETE" Alder at 18th :flflartsb .t}rinting Companp •• Jrinttrs. IJinntyµrrs anh llnnkhinhtrs ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING ON SHORT NOTICE 122~ FRONT STREET FOOT WASHINGTON THE TIMES IS A SAMPLE OF OUR WORK ,...
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