Portland Times_1920

I .. THE PORTLAND I I· , ,. ,. DO YOU NEED INSURANCE? WE WRITE EVERYTHING Fire Liability Accident Burglary Bonds Auto Plate Glass Life Health :Marine ''Enjoy that 'Complete Protection' feeling" Courteous Treatment "It's better to be Safe than Sorry" Prompt Service We Adjust Losses Immediately GO-AST UNDERWRITERS AfiENGY 1032 NORTHWESTERN BANK BUILDING Main 1492 • . SALOME THE MILD HAVANA SHORT FILLER CIGAR WITH THE REINFORCED HEAD 10 CENTS VALUE F'C~R7CTS. 3 FOR 20 CENTS DISTRIBUTORS The HartCigarCo. FRANK NAU PRr!SCRIP"'flON DRUGGIST SIXTH AT ALDER STREET Portland, Oregon • .. j Hlsh Class Tollet- and Sundry Gooda 1 , ~OOOOOOOOOODOOOOOO~OOOOOOOOOOOOO~OOOOOOOOOOOCH:100000000000000000 Phone Broadway 1449 Practices in All Courts John H. Stevensen 401 FENTON BUILDING Phone· Broadway 1449 Practices in All Courts Walter A. ·Wolf • 402 FENTON BUILDING ..........,,,ooooOOODDOOOOODODOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDD•••ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo~ When You Think of DRUGS or DRUG STORE Wanta, Think of 54 N. SIXTH COR. DAVIS Phone Broadway 631 Courtesy Assured I I i ' I • ' TIMES You Must Decide Now (Prices Are fining Higher) During Our MIO · SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE ' '850 l'la7er J'i&l>o To Secure a Pia.no or Player Pia.no at but a. Fraction of Local Ma.rket Price $15 Sends This Pia.no to Your Home ' . . . . ·,, t. ., ,, . ' .,, .... = . ~ t. 19 ~oau fU Xonth17. ft1a 1111 lloc1e1 .. .,I ll'iaao for '398 '96 Oallh: ,11 XonW7 Big Buying Works Both Ways --- for You and for Us Following up our purchase of 15 carloads-300-1917 and 1918 Model Pianos and Player Pianos, sold during past aalea, comes our new purchase of 12 more carloads-250 Pianos and Player Pianos, therefore, we must close out the remaining stock as per the following Inventory, and for that purPose are making prices and terms that will sell them now before arrival of new Durchase-Buy now~ Drices are going hi&"her. Principally high - 9-1918 MODELS 3 Mend'hall ....$650 "81 VPD PJ'.ATIUI grade pianos, which, PJ'.AYJI• PIAKOa 5 Thompson .... 750 11811 PIAKOa -~~O s~ll$s'ii{a!l?i'Yno~ ~ ~~~J?~!ii::::'i~g '= ~ i~ee\ei ..sons :gg :n f l&8 Ji~~~~~~~.::::::'rJ sell at prices of ch1 eap- 1 Thompson .... 750 tH 4 Stel'er............1150 888 $960 Steger .............. 115 er grades. These Panos 1 Singer 900 Ml 4-191"' ~LS have all of the up-to- SI ............ 9 • VaJID P.&JU.Oa date improvements, 60 ~ R;'.f/i·son:: s88 = G~ oa OJIG.AJrS per cent more tone and 2 Steger............1150 '715 f ~~eger..........$ 1 gfg ';:; $100 Cl'h & Warren..'25 efflciencr,. eger.......... $115 Durand Co......... 118 99% New 2-1918 MODELS 1 Steger.......... 1300 1'751100 Cornish Co........ ao 1J ~hi J'i&l1 G:aAJll'D PIASOa B!~~Dv?o~.fiS=5 125 Chicago Cot...... a& 19- p19 8 MODEtS 1 Steger..........$1050 '781 Including Music 136 Kimball.............. 18 1 Steger.......... 1300 IHI 160 Paclllc Queen.... 611 $1 sen • one home, 17 ,,, NEW 160 Kimball.............. "8 then $8, 't\i°i or $12 40--1919 MODELS azruz./5-:un, VaJID 165 Mason & H'lln.. IO mon Y 100% New Pianos at PIAKOa 165 Estey & Co....... II 2 Bradford ......$375 '281 25% lower than local 175 Tabor Org. Co.. 81 1 Kneisel.......... 05 aao market prices. $350 Kurtzman SQ.., 81 $10 Ca.sh, $5 Monthly 2 Davis& sons 425 315 5 Sch'r Bros....$375 '281 $275 Collard Up...... 81 2 Mend'hall...... 450 316 5 Davis & sons 425 IN $300 Bord & Co. Up. '711 SJIW AJID VIIJID 6 Thompson .... 450 385 3 Thompson .... 475 ase 325 Arion Up.......... 181 $6 or $10 In Records 3 Mend'hall...... 460 111 4 Davis & sons 450 311 1360 Emerson Up.... 1IIO PSOJrOCt~ 1 Thompson .... 475 331 9 Thompson .... 600 3'71 375 Ha.llet & Davis llO gurchased sends one f OTTh~ommpp 80 sonn .... ~7005 ~ 7 Thompson .... 568 316 43 65°0 NVeowseE&nSg 01annsd .... 111901 Laomk e. Id • 20 ,10 Sewald ................$75 "8 .. • - 1 Singer............ 560 tll .. es e ........... 8 Thompson .... 550 315 1 Reed & Sons 626 "65 HO Kingsbury ...... lllll Edison .............. 50 11 NEW 111111 TYPES 2 Reed & Son.. 650 315 1 Reed & sons 650 ...., !GOO Weber.............. 1131 Columbia .......... 25 111 Table Type.............., IO 3 Singer............ 560 315 1 Steger............ 650 ...., •so Conover............ 11611 Edison .............. 60 IO Table Type.............. Ill ~ RSteeegder.;_... 8 .. 0 ..n ..... 66 25 50 31tl~ 3 Steger............ 750 Ga 400 Needham.......... HI Victor ........ -...... 60 41 Table Type.............. IO "' v 450 Kimball............ IIO Domestic .......... 100 81 Table Type.............. 80 2 Reed & Son.. 625 U6 17-111111 MODELS 450 Thompson ...... .IIO Victor .........- ..... 100 Ill Cabinet .................... IO 2 Stel'er............ 650 "65 I l'r.AYJI'& ll'UJrOa 475 Thompson ...... 311 Columbia .......... 250 IO Cabinet .................... 100 1 Reed & Son.. 650 "65 2 Artemls........$650 "'85 850 Steger Mlss'n. 3111 Edison .............. 120 IO Cabinet .................... 115 TRUTHFUL ADVERTISING' This store satlsftes the people throuch Its unprecedented values. Truths fully named. Sincerity Is our chief buslne•• policy. We tell you now, prices are &'Olnc hli'her. PB.ICE IDENTITY Why should piano• not have a price Identity? Why llhould market values not be obaerved? Why pay lnftated prices? Let ua ftnance your piano purchase, '16 or more ca.sh , $8 or more monthly. NO FOLLOW UP SALESMAN Saves fully 20% In our coat of aelllng. We a.re not Interested In your address If our 26% lower price Inducements do not sell you. There Is no need to pay $500 to $660 for a piano. LIBERTY BONDS or other securities taken In part or full_ payment of Pianos or Player-Pianos during this aal._ Also, your old Plano, Organ or Talking Machine. OB.DER YOUR PIANO BY MAIL --.t. •tuu an4 oompue ou 11..Ut,-, prloea an4 unu, u aA·nntH4. an4 J'01l 1"U 1al'll wh7 .... h&Ye hm,llreu Of m&U-ol' d.er IIIIJ'•l'L 017'1'-01"-'l'OW• B11'YE:&II-WB l"JUIPJI.T AJID XJI.JDI 1":aJIB DJlr.!TJlaT 01" PUB'O 'l'O TOVJI SOXJI within zoo miles, and the piano wlll be shipped subject to exchange within one year, we allowing the full amount paid. This vlrtua.lly gives you a one-year trial Q/ the piano you order. Every piano or player-p1ano purchased carries with It the Schwan Plano Co. guarantee of satisfaction, as alao the usual guarantee from each manufacturer of these new musical inl!ltruments. · Xanutacmarera• OO&IR Dlstrlb11iora. 111 l"O'lll'UI lttnei, at waahtna"io». Schwan Piano Co. . ' . Save Labor .• • by heating your house with a Gasco Furnace; it solves the fuel problem, does away with dirt, dust and ashes. Costs only $325 installed. Monthly bills averaged $10.70 for 9 ·months. Don't Swelter over the out-of-date wood or coal range. Use gas and keep cool. F Or the Fireplace Quit mussing with wood. The Ra.diantflre is radiant in a moment-clean, beautiful and cheap to operate. Don't Sleep Church • 10 • You won't have to if the church is lighted with gas. Gas is the most per– fect illumination. Nearest to sunlight. Easiest on the eyes. • Don't Worry about cost of piping gas into your home. It is done free of charge by the Portland Gas & Coke Co. Alder near 5th Main 6500 ~. . .. e