Portland Times_1920
THE PORTLAND TIMES Opportunity se:a..vew on1;y tlua man. who is reMly. t['lhe a.ufontol,ile Lu •o quickened. 'the AmeriCAnlife that fla.a man w'ho aou II« c,wn one &el:s the handicap cl Lis po- ·~·· ~-JolaaN.Will)'J Willya-Overland Pacific Company AUTOMOBILB8 BROADWAY AT DAVIS . PHONE BRDW. 315315 :uto Works , & Painting Co•. INC. High Grade Automobile Painting at :Moderate l'nCeB WB .ARE THE LARGEST LEADING Used Car Dealers lti Portland. . .. • 8 carry from 30 to fiO late model cars, at all times. A small payment down lets you drive a car and pay balance monthly A-1 Auto Works & Painting Co. ALDER SDJ:ET PORTLAND, OREGON " • GOODRICH TIRES BEST IN THE LONG RUN r 1 -I OUR POLICY Courtesy and a Square Deal At All Times W. E. CHILTON CO. SIXTH, PINE AND ANKENY STREETS Broadway 2490 ' I I I GAS .VULCANIZING OIL TIRE SERVICE First Mile 50c, Each Additional Mile 10c No Service Charge on New Casings 11 I I PROMPT TIRE SERVICE WE DELIVER I 11 flie ·Tonia tlu,~ put, pep into ran~doma_battenet Intelligent; careful attention and complete facilities are just as impor• .I tant in battery recharging as on the most intricate repair jobs on your car. A little carelessness, a slie:ht lack of knowledge, too much of .a nurry 01 1:vu tvu1, ... -1·-·1:1~·---- ft"J. ...- ..... •h lifo of vonr batterv and g~=um 1 its service to you. . Our equipment and our way_oLworking have met the strict requir~. l ments of the makers of th~ 'Dlumbia . Storage Baitery Its makers were just as particular to find out abo~t our ability and fa~ties to r~nde11 service-real service-as they are about the constructJ.on of the Columbia Battery itself. - There are eighteen reasons why a Columbia .on your car will ,,_,._ give long, strong service. Here are just three of them - First, the battery is built for strength, power and performa.µce. Second, it is guaranteed as to length of life with a real, a definite guarantee (no "adjustment" payment required). Third, we stand ready to help you keep it in pedect operating condition. Come to us for recharging and repairs-whatever the make of your present battery. Let us demonstrate the 18 points of superiority which make the Columbia a profitable investment. Columbia Storage Battery-~o. B. II. NISBET, Manager Broadway near Glisan Phone Broadway ~ •
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