Portland State Magazine Winter 2011

! PSU ALUMNI ASSOCIATION I I . - Julie Schablitsky PhD '02 Julie Schablitsky PhD '02 is the chief archaeologist for the Maryland Srace Highway Administration in Baltimore and a research associate with University of Oregon Mu– seum of Natural and Cultural History. Schablitsky has been featured on NOVA ScienceNow and serves as a lead archae– ologist in the OPB produc– tion, Time Team America. David Zuttermeister MS '02 has been awarded the Jacob K. Javits Fellowship to pursue a master's degree in sculpture at University of California - Los Angeles. Vincent Dimone MS '03 has a comprehensive and chemi- cal dependency counseling practice in Portland. Oimone volunteers with the Returning Veterans Project, which offers free counseling and ocher health services for returning veterans and their families in Porcland. Saori Hayatsu '03 is work– ing in Shanghai, China, in the textile division of Itochu, a Japanese manufacturing corporation. Hayacsu serves as a marketing and consult– ing experc helping foreign fashion apparel manufactur– ers cesc the Chinese marker. Cynthia Lopez MA '03, MUS '09 has won the Gerontological Society of America's YouTube contest, What Global Aging Means. Lopez's film, Global Aging Nicaragua, came out of her participation in a 2009 Porcland Scace Nicaragua service learning program. Professional Development Center You know you should never stop learning, but where do you find the time? With 14 programs and over 100 courses, the Professional Development Center has something to fit your educational needs and schedule. www.pdc.pdx.edu Rebecca "Becky" Sanchez '03, MS '08 i an academic adviser and career counselor in the School of Business Administra– tion ar PSU. Sanchez enjoys camping, hiking, and travel– ing with her husband, Felix. Ruth White MBA '03 is vice president of cliem services at Monsoon, an online selling solution com– pany based in Portland. Ryan Howe '04 is che sru– dem developmem coordina– tor for The Art Institute of California in San Francisco. Brett Mcfarlane MS '04 i director of undergraduate programs in the college of engineering at Oregon rare University in Corvallis. Maki Shiina MA '04 is the middle school and high school administrative assistant for the Yokohama lmernacional School in Yokohama, Japan. Maegan Vidal MPA '04 is a public relations and com– munity relations speciali tat Legacy Moum Hood Medi– cal Center in Gresham. Jacob BrostoffMRP '05 is a city planner in rhe Bureau of Planning and Sustainabil- ity for the city of Portland. Naomi Fast MA '05, MA '06 has written three poems accom– panied by her photographs pub[ ished in two issues of Voice– Catche1~ an annual amhology of Portland area women writers. Fast was a reader at the 2010 Wordstock Festival in Porcland. Brad Fortier '05, MA '08 is an actor, di rector, and instructor at Portland's Brody 1l1eacer. . Cara Kaser '05 is an architectural historian with Oregon's State Historic Pres– ervation Office in Salem. Portland State UNIVERSITY Schoo l of Extended St udies WINTER 2011 PORTLAND STATE MAGAZINE 27