Portland State Magazine Winter 2011

PSU ALUMNI ASSOCIATION I ~- of nursing at Oregon Hea lth & Science Uni versity. Barbara "Bobby" (Sim– monds) Levy '92, MBA '95 was appointed by Oregon Gov. Ted Kulongoski to represent Congressional District 2 with rhe Oregon Depart- ment of Fish and Wildlife in Salem. Levy is a far mer and a marketing and business management consultant. Christi Bass Kasten MPA '93 is interim director of alumni relations at Oregon Srare Uni– versity and executive director ofirs alumni association in Corvallis. Kasten has been with rhe university since 2005. Kelly Marks '93, MS '05 is campus coordinator of the Rock Creek campus of Portland Community College in Hillsboro. Deborah Scott '93 is box office manager at Portland Stare. Scott is also president and co-founder of the Oregon T icketing and Admission Association, a peer support organization for event and ad– missions managers in Oregon. Richard Ernst MSW '94 is a marriage and fami ly counselor in Portland. He volunteers with the Returning Veterans Project, which offers free counselin g a nd other health services for return– ing veterans and their fami lies in Portland. He is married to Margaret Wolszon MSW '96. Theodora "Tedde" McMil– len '95 is an author, popular speaker, and a food product consultant living in Portland. McMillen and her daughter, Heather Howitt, co-founded Oregon Chai in 1994 and sold rhe business in 2004. Katherine Wallace MSW '95 is a consultant with Impartial Medical Opinions, Inc., in Lake Oswego. Jessie (Huscher) Hathorne– Cantil '96, MSW '98 is a mental health rherapisr in rhe Susan Butcher Family Center ar Providence Health Center in Anchorage, Alaska. Hathorne-Cantil lives with her husband, Joseph, and her daughter, Jingjing, in Anchor– age, where they enjoy watching moose outside their windows. Bernd Hoereth MBA '96 is an associate partner of ConVisra Consulting AG in Munich, Germany. Mark Shelton '96, MBA '05 works for Veris Indus– tries, a supplier of energy and environmental sensors and control peripherals for com– mercial HVAC in Portland. Emily (George) Bonis '97 is an upper school mathematics reacher and resident fac- ulty for Sturtevant Dorm at Hebron Academy in H ebron, Maine. She lives with her husband, T im, and their two daughters in H ebron. Warren J. Brown MS '97 has been appointed vice president for insrrucrion at Seartle Central Community College in Washington. Michele (Heenan) Burke '97 is a reference librarian at Cheme– kera Community College in Salem. Burke says she treasured her time at Portland Stare and enjoys collaborating with library and other faculty ar PSU while working on in formation literacy initiatives for Oregon. Joanne Laurent '97 is a certi– fied orientation and mobility specialist for Highest Expecta– tions Travel and Adaptive Ski lls in York, South Carolina. Judy Noel MS '97 is an insrrucror in rhe education pre-major program ar Spokane Fa lls Community College in Spokane, Washington. Engineering students build a device used to monitor maritime or freshwater habitats for The Nature Conservancy. WINTER 2011 PORTLAND STATE MAGAZINE 25