Portland State Magazine Winter 2011

ALUMNI PROFILE SHANNON BURLEY ' 00 Turning pro Many young athletes dream of turning pro. Most end up in work that's outside the world of sports entirely. For Shannon Burley, hard work, flexibility, and a com– petitive drive have kept her close to her dream. Burley played soccer for Portland State and worked 1n the Athletics Department while a student and after graduation as well, rising to the position of assistant marketing director. Then G.I. Joe's, the sports and out– door goods chain, found and recruited her, and within seven years she worked her way up to sports marketing director. When G.I. Joe's folded in 2009, Burley called the CEO of the Seattle Storm, Karen Bryant, to talk about what possible future she might have with the team, the Wom– en's National Basketball Association (WNBA) franchise in Washington state. "It was my experience that was the draw," says Burley. "When I came out of Portland State, I wasn't filled with just book knowledge, but also with real-life situations. [The Athletic Department was] relatively small, so I did a little bit of everything-marketing, PR, sports-all the aspects of a franchise, which is what the Seattle Storm needed." Now, she's vice president of marketing for the team. "It's a very inspiring place to work," says Burley. "Every women's professional sports team around the world is looking at us. Our business plans and marketing plans are sent worldwide as models." And it does not hurt that the Storm won the WNBA title for the second time 1n September The one thing Burley doesn't do is play much soccer, but she's okay with that. "I'm 33, still in sports, doing what I absolutely love to do," says Burley. "I'm at the pro level, and I'm 1n athlet– ics-how many people who love sports get to do that?" BY MELISSA STEINEGER 22 PORTLAND STATE MAGAZINE WINTER 2011 Vanport Dorothy Henifin '46 is a retired first-grade reacher from the Evergreen School District in Washington. One of Henifin's favorite Vanport memories is walking in the rain with her lace husband, Arne Henifin '46, MSW '65, between classes in the Quonset hues, prefab– ricated hou ing units used co accommodate rhe World War II veterans who had enrol led in the extension center. Ray Lokting '46 i enjoying retirement playing golf, travel– ing, and volunteering for Meals on Wheels and for the Kiwanis. One of Lokting's favorite Van– port memories is serving on rhe fir r student counci l in 1947. He lives wirh his wife, Barbara, in Porrland. His daughter, Ellen Rae Lokting Steen '75, MBA '82 has retired from the financial planning and financial writing industry and now lives at the bea h wirh her husband. Frank "Bob" Hedges '47 is a volunteer with rhe Ladies Professional Golf Association Safeway la ic in Porrland, which has raised more than $14 million for local children's charicie . ome of Hedges' favorite Vanport memories are of his classrooms at the Oregon Shipyard Administrative Build– ing and at Grant High School. Robert Evans '50 has been an arti c and engraver for more than 20 years. He enjoys creating small Germanic croll, high-quality gold work, and Bulino scenes. His favorite Vanport memories are of the photo lab and caking pictures on campus. He lives with his wife, Norma, in Oregon ity. Joseph Kordic '50 is a retired reacher along wirh his wife, Audrey, and daughrer, Marilyn. Kordic enjoys old cars and is a member of the local vintage Chevy lub. Kordic' favorite professor was George Hoffmann. 1956-1969 Jack E. Vincent '57 is a profes– sor emericus of the William Edgar Borah Ourlawry of War Foundation ac Univer- sity of ld aho in Moscow. He also taught polirical science at University of Oregon, Oklahoma Scare University, and University of Hawaii. David Kim MSW '65 is pre idenr emericus and board member for Hole Incernational Children's Serv ice and con– tinue to serve as a 111 bassador for che international adoption agcn y based in Eugene. Kim received che P U Alumni Association Oucstand ing Alumnus Award in 1993. Gerry Craig '66 writes, " ince retiring from rhe finance world a few years ago, I have con– centrated on improving my piano skills. I'm no experr, but have enough competence (and nerve) co appear in public. I now play Wednesday morn– ings at che Porrland Veterans Hospital, Mondays at noon ar che Tigard Senior enter, and Tuesday evenings at my Elks Lodge in Tualatin." Nancy R. CTohnson) Har– rington '67 and her husband, Gary, received the 2010 Mayor's Award for Meritorious Service for bringing public art co Pleas– anton, California. The Har– rington also award scholarships co at-risk srudenrs in area school districts. A retired principal of 24 yea rs from Fremont, Califor– nia schools, Nancy Harrington has re eived many honors for her work in education. Kenneth Sample '67 has retired a a captain in rhe U.S. Public Health ervice after 45 years of government service. ample was the fir t Porrland Scare rudenc ro qualify for rhe Viernam- era G I Bill. ample lives wirh his wife, Gloria, in O weg , Illinois, a suburb of hicago.