Portland State Magazine Winter 2011

. PSU ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Student success = alumni success, the legacy continues AMONG THE PSU Alumni Association's contributions ro student success is the life– changing Jane Wiener Memorial AlWTini Scholarship for children of alumni. In helping PSU students, the scholarship also ensures successful alumni of the University. Our newest scholar, Samuel Arnold, started school fall term as Molly Conroy, our current scholar, prepares ro graduate. Arnold, a fres hman from G ladsrone High School, is majoring in music with hopes of teaching music. He plays six instruments and i in P U's concert band. The selection commi ttee was impressed with bis passion for music and his commitment to teaching. The al umni scholarship was established in memory ofJane Wi ener '69, a longtime Mulrnomah Coun ty deputy district arrorney and an Alumni Board member un til her death in March 1994. While working for the coun ty, Wiener was instrumental in champi– oning children's rights and made her mark as an advocate fo r communi ty service. Current scholar Molly Conroy is nearing the end of her PSU tenure. She graduates winter term with a bachelor's degree in gen– eral science and a minor in chemistry. She is now applying ro physician assistant programs across the country. In addition ro her studies, Conroy works at Oregon Health & Science University as a certified nursing assistant in acute ca.re. She is also a PSU student ambas– sador and a resident assisra.i1t fo r freshmen living in the Broadway Housing Complex. One of our early Jane Wiener scholars, Ma.kenzie Lyscrup '00, exemplifies the principle that scudenc success equals alumni success. Lyscrup went on to earn a Ph.D . in astrophysics from University College Lon– don. In September 2008, she was awarded a postd octoral fellowship at the Laboraro ry for Atmospheric and Space Physics at University of Colorado - Boulder. She is studying the auroras on Jupiter and Saturn, a phenomenon simil ar ro the northern lights on Earth. As part of her fellowship, Lystrup also developed a menroring program for undergrads in phys– ics and astronomy cal led Beyond Boulder, beyondboulder.pbworks.com . She is now apply– ing for positions and grants. The Alumni Association is proud to offer chis legacy scholarship, which provides full resident wicion and is renewable up to 186 credit hours. To make a tax-deductible dona– tion ro the Ja.i1e Wiener Memorial Alumni Scholarship, contact the Alumni Office at psuaiu.m@pd.x.edu or call 503-725-4948. Additional Jane Wiener Memorial Alumni Scholars DEAN SASEK '98, now an emergency room physician SARAH WHITN EY HAYDEN '03, MEd '04, a teacher at Hammond Elementary in Salem and recipient of the Crystal Apple Award for excellence in education BETHANY DUBNOW JEANFREAU ' 10, an English teacher in Asia PSU Alumni Night with the Portland Trail Blazers Watch the Trail Blazers take on the New Orleans Hornets Wednesday, Feb. 16, 7 p.m., at th e Rose Garden Arena. Bue first, join us fo r dinner and a Blazer meet and greet. T ickets chat indude it all scare at just $27 and are available by calling Blazer representative Blake Wehling at 503-963-3964. TOP TO BOTTOM: Alumni scholar Molly Con– roy works as a certified nursing assistant and hopes to become a physician assistant. Maken– zie Lystrup '00 got her start as an alumni scholar and now has a Ph.D. in astrophysics. Samuel Arnold, music major, isthe most recent alumni scholar. WINTER 2011 PORTLAND STATE MAGAZINE 2 1