Portland State Magazine Winter 2010

Alumni in Japan HIROSHI SAKAI '71 is a retired representative of Nord– strom in Japan. He enjoys playing golf and occasionally visits with friends in Seattle. He was one of the first Japanese students to graduate from the PSU School of Business Administration. SATOSHI MARUYAMA '75 owns Swallow Trading, a ski and snowboard company in Tokyo. His son Tetsuhlto '08 works for his company in Ch ina. NOBUKO MUROMATSU '80 and her husband, Conan O'Harrow '79, own East West Consulting, an execu- tive search firm in Japan. With offices in Tokyo, Osaka, and Singapore, East West specializes in the needs of international companies. Muromatsu came co PSU from Columbia University. During her first year, she met her future husband. Upon graduation they moved to Japan, where Muromatsu worked for IBM and O'Harrow, who loves Japan, worked as a consultant for a headhunting firm before combining ro start their own firm. KOHICHIROH UE '96 works for IBM in Tokyo. He is interested in connecting with other alumni in Japan. TADASHI AOYAG I MIM '04, a director ofJapan opera– tions for the U.S. firm E-Z Data, attended the PSU reception November 4 and was thrilled to win a prize. MAKI SHIINA '04 works at the Canadian Embassy in Tokyo. SAORI YONEMOCHI MIM '06 works in credit and collections with Tenaris NKK Tubes in Tokyo. She also attended the November 4 reception. TOSHIMARU MORI '08 is a project assistant with In– Spec Group, an engineering and construction company in Tokyo chat also has offices in Portland. LEFT PHOTO : Satoshi Maruyama '75 and Kohichiroh Ue '96 enjoy meeting Portland Mayor Sam Adams at the Oregon Bar and Grill in Tokyo at a PSU Alumni Association reception November 4. RIGHT PHOTO. Toshimaru Mori '08; Tadashi Aoyagi MIM '04; Makiko Dobashi '02, MIM '04; and Dave Conklin MA '09 also have fun at the Tokyo alumni reception. 24 PORTLAND STATE MAGAZINE WINTER 2010 Colleen Calvin '78 is a call igra– pher and book artist who was recently featured in the 10th Anniversary Portland Open Studios Tour. She is married co Mark Bello PhD '93. Debra Harris MST '78, PhD '82 is an instructor in the PSU School of Community Health. Harris writes that her favor- ite memories of PSU are "rhe wonderfu l friends I met there that I still stay in couch with." Joan Johnson '78 is a good friend co Portland Stare. Johnson helped PSU acquire the Simon Benson House, and she cofounded the PSU Nancy Ryles Scholarship for Women. Johnson's favo rite memory of PSU was "the realization that as a freshman in my mid-forties, I fit right in with PSU's student body." Johnson and her husband, Robert '48, live in Portland. Arthur Buck '79 has been the owner of Tax Services, Inc., in Tualatin for 26 years. 1980-1989 Shelley Hershberger '80, '07 is a painter and printmaker, who was recently featured in the 10th Anniversary Port- land Open Studios Tour. Bradford Rabe '80 is a demist in Hillsboro, where he lives with his wife, Trisha '90. Richard Carson '82 is a senior associate at the Brush Prairie, Washington, office of C itygate Associates, a gen- eral management consu lting firm. Carson wrote an essay titled "Sustainability-The Great Divide" published on ArchNewsNow.com. He also recently interviewed for a Public Broadcasting Service documen– tary, Making Sense ofPlace. Neil Lomax '82 is founder and president of ProMax, an event management company in Tua latin. A former Portland State quarterback, Lomax went on co play for the NFI.:s Phoenix Cardi nals and ap– peared in two Pro Bowls. He is now a volunteer offensive coordinator for the Roosevelt High School Roughriders football team in Portland. Donna Frutiger '83 is a dis– tribution marketing manager for Imel in Beaverton. Frutiger and her husband, Keith '81, '07, volunteer for their church as counselors in the Pre– Marital Counseling program. Brad Seely '83 is an ophthal– mologist in private practice in Roseburg. He fond ly recalls playing the guitar in the Park Blocks; his favorite profes- sor was Shripad Tuljapurkap, who taught physics. David Aires MBA '84 is a factory automation manager for Imel in Chandler, Arizona. Scott Johnson '83 is vice president of finance for Legacy Health Systems in Portland. Johnson's favorite memories of PSU are liverwurst sandwiches at the Smith Hall cafeteria, punch cards in Fortran class, Beta A lpha Psi, and fencing. Diane Carlascio Nudelman ' 85 Diane Carlascio Nudelman '85 is owner of Ecoswag.com and the Swag Connection, Portland promotional products compa nies. Nudelman holds a Certified Advertising Specialist designation, which is earned by on ly 10 percent of promo– tional products professionals.