Portland State Magazine Winter 2010

Giving Alumnus runs, swims, and pedals for student parents Erik Lawrence '02, volunteer extraordinaire, is raising money for working student parents at PSU by competing in triathlons with the support of his wife, RoseAnne, and children, Adam, Athena, and Ben. "WORKING YOUR WAY through school is daunting at best and absolutely exhausting at the worse," says Erik Lawrence '02. "Doing so with children at home makes it near impossible-though people do it every day." Lawrence knows this firsthand. Thar's why he's creating a new endowed scholar– ship co assist working student parents at Porrland Scare. Lawrence and his wife, RoseAnne, had two young children when he started college, and a third was born the year he graduated. In addition, both of them worked, which meant they rarely saw each other. "I made sure I never did homework during family rime– so it meant studying while everyone else was still sleeping," he recalls. Following a seamless transition from Porcland Commu– nity College to PSU, Lawrence managed co finish his degree in finance and business administration in three years. After graduation he rook a job with UBS Financial Services where his career is now Aourishing. In 2009 he decided it was rime to start giving back. "I wane co be an active, contributing citizen. I'm now seven years our of school, building my career and raising a young family, so I asked myself what I could do best co make a difference." His answer involved an exceptional commitment to per– sonal transformation. The boy who "wasn't into competitive spores as a kid" is now a man challenging himself co compete in a series of five triathlons co benefit two causes deeply rooted in his personal experience-working student parents and grieving children. 18 PORTLAND STATE MAGAZINE WINTER 2010 In addition co establishing the Lawrence Family Working Parent Scholarship Fund through the PSU Foundation (where he also serves as a board member), Lawrence is creat– ing an endowment at the Dougy Center in memory of his mother, who died when he was a young boy. "I want co sup– port kids whose life experience has changed their hand," he says. ''And I want to give working student parents a hand up." Lawrence's determination and rigorous physical train- ing are paying off. As of November, he had completed two triathlons and was well on his way coward his goal of raising $50,000 for each of the endowments. "I have literally e-mailed everyone I know asking chem to sponsor me," he admits laughingly. Lawrence sec up a Web sire co share his vision, track progress, accept donations, and invite ochers co join him in racing and raising dollars for his twin passions. Most important of all, his children- ages 6, 8 and 12- come to his races and cheer him on, "doing their part to make Dad feel good." Despite rhe challenges he faced in getting through college, Lawrence's time at Porrland State meant a lot to him. "Col– lege was fun! " he smilingly remembers. "I wane co go back." Meanwhile he's making it possible for ocher student parents to have their turn. ■ BY KATRINA RATZLAFF READ MORE ABOUT ERIK LAWRENCE'S RACES AND FUNDRAISING PROGRESS visit www.erikfwlawrence.com