Portland State Magazine Winter 2009

FROM THE DESK OF THE PRESIDENT Sustainability permeates PSU NOT LONG after school began chis fall, one of the loca.l television stations aired a story on the shortage of parking at Port– land Seate University-a shortage of bicycle parking. Whether it's students, facu.lty, and staff pedaling co campus, researchers investigat– ing commuter patterns, or classes discussing the rise of the bicycle cu.lrure in Portland, sustainability permeates PSU. How can sustainable practices be imple– mented not just locally, bur in ocl1er urban and rapid.ly urbanizing areas around the world? What motivates people co utilize alternative transportation? What cools can be used to successfully measure and quan– tify sustainability in order to separate hype from fact? Students work closely with our facu.lty on these kinds of regionally relevant and globally consequential issues. We are teaching sustainability in some degree programs where you might expect it, such as Environmental Sciences and Com– munity Development, and in ochers where you might not. For example, in the Gradu– ate School of Education, PSU students are teaching kids in Porcland Public Schools about reading and writing-and reaping what they sow-through the Learning Gardens Laboratory program that promotes a more earth-friendly and sustainable means of growing food. In our School of Business Administration, MBA students assess supply chain management issues and case studies with an eye toward the triple bottom line of environmental, economic, and social equity. We also offer specialized graduate and pro– fessional certificates designed co augment the skill sets of working professionals. With the recent $25 million matching grant from me James F. and Marion L. Miller Foundation (see page 8), we have a tremendous opportunity to solidify our position as a leader, regionally and nation– ally, for teaching and research of sustainable processes and practices. And as Porcland Stace's reputation grows, students will increasingly be drawn to the University's shared commitment co learning about sustainability in the living laboratory chat is Portland, Oregon. We will continue to live our motto of "Lee Knowledge Serve the City," extending our campus to the community, sharing our graduates, our expertise, and our resources co provide practical solutions co the eco– nomic, social, and environmental issues mat will face the region as we move forward. And yes, we're adding more bike parking. Wim Wiewel PRESIDENT, PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY