Portland State Magazine Winter 2009

In October, members of the class of 1958 held a 50th reunion. They are (left to right, front row) Betty Roberts, Rosalyn Paul, Nancy Ebsen Hogerton, Louise Putman, Kay Piacentini, Lynn Handelman, Ron Hunt. (back row) Dick Loughlin, Bob Rawson, Fred Wong, Prof. Charlie White, Dick Matcovich, Pat Welch, Roger Williams, Gordon Layden, Bob Cunningham, Dick Pottratz, Jim McGee, and Pete Grundfossen. Looking Back CLASS OF 1958 CELEBRATES! PORTLAN D STATE COLLEGE alumni came from as far away as Texas and Utah to commemorate 50 years since gradua– tion. The October reunion events included a student-led tour of campus, dinner with PSU President Wim Wiewel, and a talk by alumna Betty Rice Roberts, first female Oregon Supreme Court Justice and author of With Grit and By Grace: Breaking Trails in Politics and Law. Reunion efforts were captained by Gary Coats with support from co-chairs Pete Grundfossen and Dick Matcovich. Maybe you have your own great photograph or story to tell from your time at Portland State. We'd like to put it on this page. Con– tact us by e-mail at psumag@pdx.edu, or fax at 503-725-4465, or mail us at Portland State Magazine, Office of University Com– munications, PO Box 751, Portland OR 97207-0751. Please don't write more than 300 words and only send us photographs we can keep. WINTER 2009 PORTLAND STATE MAGAZINE 29