Portland State Magazine Winter 2009
Ian Lynam '02 recently published a book citied Paral- lel trokes, which charts rhe history of graffiti as it relates co type design. Lynam has contributed essays co the new book Art Space Tokyo and co the new Wieden and Kennedy Tokyo Lab Book. He lives in Tokyo. Sarah Fielding Moore '02, MPA '07 is the residential sec– tor lead in the energy efficiency division at Bonneville Power Administration in Portland. Luan Nguyen '02 was ordained a Catholic priest after earning a master of divinity degree at Mount Angel Seminary in Mount Angel. guyen, who spent his adolescent years in his native Vietnam, is now the parochial vicar at Our Lady of rhe Lake Parish in Lake Oswego. Jeffery Sneddon MSW '02 is a manager foe programs for developmental disabilities in the Linn County Department of Health in Albany. He is also vice president of The Arc of Linn County, a chapter of the national organization that advocates for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Sneddon enjoys spending time with his wife and two children, and their many cars, dogs, and horses. He also enjoys golfing. Jesse Thompson '02 is a running back coach for the PSU football ream. Thomp– son played football for rhe Vikings while attending PSU. Dave Friesen '03 has been ap– pointed co the Portland State Alumni Association Board. Friesen is a sen ior manager at Perkins & Company, a Port– land accounting firm. He lives in Beaverton with his wife, Re– becca, and their three children. Rhonda Haag MS '03 reaches health and physi– cal education at Sr. Mary's Academy in Portland. Shawn Keinonen '03, MEd '05 is a reacher in the woodshop program and head wrestling coach at McMinnville High School. Kieshawn Lewis '03 is an operations manager at Intel. Lewis is also the vice president of Creative Real Estate Invest– ments, Inc., and a managing member ofinfinici Invest– ments Management Group. He is a member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity and was in the inaugural class of Gares Millennium Scholars (Bi ll and Melinda Gates Foundation). Lewis is the proud owner of a year-old Boston terrier named Roxy and lives in Portland. John Morris MS '03 is the director at Fluid Market Strate– gies, Inc., in Portland. Morris says, "both Brian Simmons '01 and I are active supporters of PSU. We built the recent Green Professional Confer– ence with PSU students at the heart of chat effort. We wane co see PSU alumni pave the way for Portland to become an international leader in sustain– abi lity." John is married to 1heresa Carbonneau, and they have rwo sons. When Morris is not working, he likes to surf. Masami Nishishiba PhD '03 is a professor in PSU's Hatfield School of Government, where she is researching a pilot project for lackamas County to short– en its work week to four days. Nishishiba lives in Portland with her husband, Hisanori. Nicole Turner '03 is a resident physician ar Oregon Health & Science University in Portland. Mary Walker '03 has been accepted for graduate studies ar Antioch University New England in Keene, ew Hamp– shire. Walker will be pursuing a master's in education with a concentration in Waldorf educa– tion. She is currently reaching at Colegio Los Charcos Waldorf School in Guanajuato, Mexico. Elizabeth Bain '04 has joined rhe national litigation firm Foley and Mansfield, working in its San Francisco office. Heather Ryan '04 is a full-time writing instructor at University of Oregon. Ryan has written articles published by Salon.com and covered by National Public Radio's "Weekend Update." Joshua Booton MS '05 was awarded a three-year James A. Michener Fellowship in Cre– ative Writing from University of Texas Michener Center for Writers. Boocon's poetry sample was chosen from more than 700 submissions in fiction, playwrit– ing, poetry, and screenwriting. He lives in Austin, Texas. Allan Collins MS 'OS is direc– tor of rhe pathways initiative at rhe Inland Empire United Way in Southern California. Collins writes, "while ar PSU, I was fortunate to work as a mentor in University Studies. This paved the way for my first professional role working as the research and service learning coord ina– tor for the GEAR UP Inland Empire grant at Cal Scace University San Bernardino." Jill Hauben MSW '05 and Jon– athan Jansky '07 were married in July in Manchester, Vermont. The Janskys share a love of water spores competition. Jon is an avid white water kayaker, and Jill is a member of a dragon boat team. They live in Portland. Sarah Liebman MEd 'OS was recently named director of the Florence Melton Adult Mini-School in Portland. The school is part of a network headquartered at the Hebrew University ofJerusalem. Charlie Schluting 'OS is the associate director of comput– ing infrastructure at Portland Scare. Schluring also operates OminiTraining.net and recently wrote Network Ninja, a must– read for network engineers. ALUMNI NOTES Christine Weilhoefer PhD '05 has been appointed assistant professor of biol- ogy at North Central Col- lege in Naperville, Illinois. Weilhoefer was an instructor at P U, the Art Insciruce of Portland, and Clark College. Sarah Cody '06 has been ac– cepted to the master's of public affairs program at University of Washington in Seattle. Eric Herst MEd '06 is reaching alternative educa- tion ar Sweet Home High School in Linn County. Caelan Huntress '06 is an excellence technician at Liberty Mutual in Portland and was rhe first PSU student to graduate with a classical studies minor. Huntress enjoys juggling Aaming torches every year on July 4th and telling mytho– logical stories to hi s children. He lives in St. Johns with his wife and their cwo children. V. Kathleen Kincade '06 recently graduated from Uni– versity ofUcah with a master's degree in public health. Kincade has moved back to Oregon and is an industrial hygien– ist/technical specialist at the Oregon Occupational Safety and Health Division in Salem. Sonia Marie Castanier Leikam MEd '06 is a direc– tor of student activities at St. Mary's Academy in Port– land. Leikam is married to Theodore Leikam '07. Tristan Whitehead '06 is a resource conservation special– ise for the city of Gresham's Resource Efficiency Assis- tance to Businesses program. Whitehead writes, "My favorite part is working directly with those businesses and creating relarionsh ips with the people who want to make a difference." Celeste Renee Alvarez '07 has joined the board of Murray, Smith & Associates, Inc., a WINTER 2009 PORTLAND STATE MAGAZINE 27
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