Portland State Magazine Winter 2009
{ Celebrating 10 years of recognizing philanthropy in Oregon PLEASE JOIN US FOR The tench anniversary of the SIMON BENSON AWARDS DINNER Honoring Oregon's pioneers ofphilanthropy Named after one of Oregon's first philanthropists, the Simon Benson Award was created in 1999 to honor the state's current pioneers of philanthropy. Tuesday, April 7, 2009 Reception 6 p.m. Dinner and Program 7 p.m. Oregon Convention Center Portland Ballroom CONTACT To register call Meg Chuprevich at 503-725-8212, evencs@pdx.edu , or register online: https:IIwww.foundation.pdx . edulsimonbensonawards Keynote Speaker ROSALYNN CARTER Award Recipient FARIBORZ MASEEH '80, MS '84 To celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Simon Benson Awards Dinner, the evening will also feature a retrospective of all previous honorees. GWEN BURNS AND FAMILY 2008 SHARON L AND ROBERT G MILLER 2007 CAROUNE JAMES f MILLER EL ZABETf-f H ERNE'iT C P STOEL 2004 2003 ,OHNSON 2003 SWIGERT 2002 CINDY CAMPBE,.L DON FRISBEE 2001 1000 MARY AND MAURIE CLARK 2000 JEANVOLLUM 1999 KEN AN!> MARTA GARY AND PATRICIA l THOMAS B T>iRASHfR 2006 BARBARA AMES WESSINGER 2004 STOEL 2004 2006 JEANNINE B COWLES 2002 PAUL BRAGDON 1999 PETER STOTT 200' JULIE STOTT 2001 DUNCAN CAMPBE 1 2001
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