Portland State Magazine Winter 2009
Michael Bojorquez '95 is athletic project coordinator and head coach for cross-country and track and field at Sr. Mary's Academy in Portland. Bojorquez was named rhe 2008 Mount Hood Conference Girls' Track Coach of rhe Year. Thomas Davis '95 is a surgeon specializing in ear, nose and throat, and sleep medicine at Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio, Texas. Davis fin– ished his residency requirements ar rhe Walter Reed Army Medi– cal Center in Washington, D.C. Maria Elena Uhing '95 was reelected for a second term as city councilor in Forest Grove. Teresa "Treycie" White '95 is vice president and global treasury management consultant for US Bank in Portland. White volunteers for Big Brothers Big Sisters. Brent Norton '96 is rhe vice consul in Mumbai, India, for rhe U.S. Scare Department. Norton lives in Mumbai with his wife, Melanie. Paresh Patel '96 is founder and president of Courtesy Vend- ing in Portland. Patel has 17 employees and more than 1,000 snack and drink machines. Koichiro Ue MA '96 has rhe distinction of being rhe fi rsr lifetime international member of rhe PSU Alumni Associa– tion. Ue lives in Osaka, Japan , where he works for IBM. Mubarak Hamad Al Muhairi MS '97 is director general of rhe Abu Dhabi Tourism Author- ity in Un ired Arab Emir- ates. Al Muhairi works with government and industry partners to pur UAE on rhe international tourism map. Jodi Hawthorne Hewitt '97 is a new information architect with rhe Office of University Com– munications ar Portland Stare. Jeremy Emerson '98 is a partner and creative di rector at Wright Strategies, an Internet marketing strategy firm located in Gladstone and Austin, Texas. "I have never been happier in my professional career," writes Emerson. "Our ream is slowly growing, as our main focus is to love our jobs, clients, and most importantly, our ream." Richard Fey '98 MS '00 is a lecturer in rhe school of social and family dynamics ar Arizona Stare University. Fey has begun a new program rhar brings at-risk and impoverished yourh to rhe university campus to open rhei r world to rhe pos– sibilities of becoming a college student. He is also a full-rime, single father of three girls. Brennan Williams '98 is a ser– vices and solutions executive at Xerox Corporation in Portland. Williams is currently complet– ing an MBA from Florida Stare University. He lives in Forest Grove with his wife, Kirsten, and his rwo children. Elaine Bothe '99 is an interior designer ar Jennifer Adams De– sign Group in Portland. Bothe recently passed her interior designers qualification exam. She also enjoys jewelry making, metalworking, cooking, garden– ing, sewing, running, hiking, biking, and moror sports. Paula Carder PhD '99 is an assistant professor in rhe Institute on Aging and School of Community Health ar Portland Stare. Amy Fairchild Lee '99 is a case management services coor– dinator for the Mental Health Association of San Mareo County in California. Lee and her husband welcomed their first child this past summer. Aaron Falotico '99 works from his home in Lebanon, Oregon, as a pricing man– ager for Sam's Club. Falorico also serves on the Lebanon Planning Commission. Ronnie Malka '99 has joined the staff of Portland Jewish Academy to reach Hebrew to preschoolers. 2000-2008 Heidi Allen MSW '00 is project director for rhe stare of Oregon's Health Research & Evaluation Collaborative. Allen lives in Portland. Paul Coakley '00, MEd '01 is rhe new principal at Hudson Park Elemen– tary School in Rainier. Shannon Dencer MBA '00 reaches high school business and computer education in an alternative education and teen parenting program in Beaverton. Dencer, who lives in Tualatin, is married with two children srill ar home. Chet Garrison MEd '00 was named Northwest Ford/Port– land Trail Blazer 2007 Coach of rhe Year following a third stare cross country champion– ship at Rowe Middle School in Milwaukie. Garrison is also a science reacher at the school. Tracy Gratto MSW '00 is executive director of rhe Coali– tion of Community Health Clinics, an organization rhar facilitates cooperation among 13 member clinics providing care ro uninsured residents in rhe Portland metropolitan area. Shannon Mayfield-Porter MPA '00 is owner and president of Mayfield Porter Consulting in Beaverton. ALUMNI NOTES Ebony Sloan Clarke MSW '01 is rhe new director of culturally specific addictions services ar LifeWorks NW, a mental health and addic– tion agency in Portland. Tami Culp '01, MS '05 has been recognized with rhe Presidential Award for Excel– lence in Mathematics and Science Teaching by rhe Oregon Council ofTeachers of Mathematics. Culp reaches at Ardenwald Elementary in Clackamas. Culp lives in Portland with her husband, Jim. Helen Hoang MSW '01, MPA '01 is rhe new administrator for rhe Oregon Advocacy Com– mission office. She will support work on behalf ofAsians, blacks, Hispanics, and women. Chelsea King Martin '01, MS '03 is a sray-ar-home mom of twin toddlers and a preschooler, which she says, "is prerry amazing in itself." King has also starred her own business called 4C Professional Communication, a corporate training and development firm . Rachel Routh '01, MS '04 and Shawn McMorris '95 were married in June in Portland. Routh works for Portland Public Schools and McMorris for Precision Castparts in Portland. Brian Simmons '01 is president of Fluid Marker Strategies, Inc., a Portland-based marketing and program managemenr firm specializing in energy efficiency and conservation. Simmons also mentors former U.S. Marines through the Marine 4 Life program and is a goalkeeper on a recreational soccer ream. He and his wife, Jennifer, have rwo children, Zoe and Joshua. Dawn Baker MS '02 is rhe new principal at Hamilton Creek School in Lebanon. WINTER 2009 PORTLAND STATE MAGAZINE 25
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