Portland State Magazine Winter 2009

w \1tN ~ WHrit ~ -hto CA ~it a f l(e 0-.;i- i N vW ""'e,,vvt ft/t/\ PoRJLA-ND w01AU ee, e~ T/4.Astu ~ f.L jAMW- f. O.NO 1\/\a~ior.J L. N\Aii.e~ fo\A~drJJ·oN ~ Po~rl Uiw- IAl\AveR~~ ik~ Tof of Tffei{{A~- -!He ,wvJi i4- ~ JIM~ OoNoJ.i.m AM -ti,_ 1-/NJ-to~ ~ eo/q.btu:( J,l"M_t. w~ crw,''/( 7tl4Mk tffe. Millr~ foUNO<V{: LO'\ (>Mi)v.~ ,tR. tlt-tfR. CO/\AMAJtMemk -A fodlCM1cJ. ¥{ax, (,,{l\A·v,IUU·~(L1'1l ~ll G-~tct" ~. The Miller Foundation's extraordinary gift of $25 million is a challenge grant dedicated to advancing Portland Stare ~~~ University's leadersh ip in sustainability. Be part of the $50 million investment in our future. Visit www.investinporrland.org.