Portland State Magazine Winter 2008
fifth annual Filipina Women's Network Summit in Washing– ton, D.C., in October. Oliveros is the multicultural center coordinator ac Portland Com– munity College and adjunct faculty in che Women's Studies Department at PSU. In 2005, she formed the Portland Com– mittee for Human Rights in the Philippines to raise awareness of the country's ever-worsening human rights violations and co mobilize support for the inter– national campaign, "Stop the Killings in the Philippines." She also helped establish che Asian Pacific American Compass Radio Collective, che only news and public affairs show of its kind in the Pacific Northwest. Brian EagleHeart '99 is a banker at Wells Fargo Private Bank in Porcland. He previ– ously was business relationship manager for Wells Fargo in Rancho Mirage, California. Angela Niederloh '99 sang her first lead role in Portland Opera's Cinderella in Novem– ber. The mezzo-soprano sang che role ofAngelina, better known as Cinderella, in the Gioacchino Rossini opera. 2000-2007 NickAdams '00, MS '07 is a senior software engineer at Intel Corporation . Adams lives in Beaverton. WiJliam "Mick" Bittick MS '00 coaches football, men's basketball, and both women's and men's crack, and also teaches humanities related classes at Waldport High School. In his spare time, Bittick is a spores photographer and enjoys scuba diving. Margaret Boutell MBA '00 is director of the community development department at Jefferson County. Boutell previously was community services director for Veneta. She lives in Madras and enjoys gardening and hiking. Heather Ellis MS '00 is human resources coordi nator at Kandy Weaver & Associates in Boise, Idaho. Ellis formerly worked for che Idaho Commerce and Labor Employer Association. She is bilingual in Spanish and English and served four years as a linguist for the U.S. Army. Melissa Goff MS '00 is che Sherwood School District direc– tor of reaching and learning. Goff has been an educator ac the elementary, middle school, and high school level and most recencly served as principal at Sky View Middle School in che central Oregon district. Peter "Pete" Danner MS '01 is principal at Clag- gett Creek Middle School in Keizer, where he previously served as assistant principal. Charles "Chip" Dunn '01 has joined the PSU Alumni Board of Directors. Dunn is a relationship officer at MBank in Gladstone. While ac PSU, he was a member of the Vikings football team. Dustin Mead MBA '01 is a commercial loan officer at ShoreBank Pacific in Ilwaco, Washington. Mead has been with the firm for 10 years. Alfred Watson '01 is a civil engineer with the U.S. Forest Service stationed at Mount Sc. Helens National Monument. Watson and his wife, Joelle, have 3-year-old twins, who "make us laugh every day." Just click and 'Salute' outstanding alumni WITH A CLICK of your 111ouse you rnulcl bring a l1fet1me of recogn1t1on to an outstanding PSU alumnus or facuity member Nominations are easy ancl a great way to recognize a collec1gue, tr1eml, or former clc1ssmatr or profrssor A short norn111at1on form and rnter1a for the Alumni Assoc1c1t1on's 2008 Outstanding Alumni and D1'>!111qu1shed Faculty Ach1rve11w11t c1wards c,rn be found at wwwalumn1.pdx.ecJ11/ew11ts Nom111at1ons must be rece1wd by February 1 Awards will be presentPd c1t PSU Sdlutes, the Alumrn Assou,1t1on\ annual spring recog111t1or1 evE'11t, Thursday, May 8, at 5 30 p.m 111 the Srrnth Memorial Student Union B,,llroom Ouestions 7 Need cl hc11d copy of the form7 Contact the Off1u• of Alum111 Relc1t1ons ell 503-725-4948 rn µsualum@pdxedu ALUMNI NOTES Leah (Barkhurst) Christensen MSW '02 is a social work clinician ac Lucile Packard Children's Hospital at Stan- ford University in Palo Alto, California. Christensen works in the areas of pediatric oncol– ogy and seem cell transplant. Mary Cunningham '02 and Chris Moller '01 were married October 7 at McMenamin's Grand Lodge in Forest Grove. As students at PSU, both were active in student government; Cunningham was student body president, and Moller was chair of the student fee commit- tee. The two reconnected at a "young alumni" party at Cassi– dy's in August 2006 and became engaged six months later. John Wykoff'02 (former Vanguard editor} officiated at the wed– ding ceremony, and a number of alumni and former PSU students were in attendance. Addie Gurgurich '02 is a professor at the University of Central Florida in the Nichol– son School of Communication reaching public speaking and business and professional com– munication courses. Gurgurich is pursuing a second master's degree in elementary education (her first master's degree was in mass media communications), She writes, "I moved to Orlando in 2003 to pursue a career in music management, spending cwo years working on a celebrity charity event. My plans changed and my degree from Porcland State came into good use when I decided to pursue a master's degree. I owe my successes co Jil Freeman of che Commu– nication Department at PSU. What a great undergraduate communication program." Christopher Kleck '02 graduated from University ofArizona medical school in 2007 and is a resident in their orthopedic surgery program, WINTER 2008 PORTLAND STATE MAGAZINE 27
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