Portland State Magazine Winter 2008
ALUMNI NOTES ~~--------'99- Beyond the water cooler NOVA NEW COM ER ' 99 has a simple message for com– panies: In our technologically sophisticated world, the office water cooler no longer cuts it for employee communication. The water cooler symbolizes the grapevine in which employ– ee perspectives and concerns circulate, often becoming magni– fied and distorted in the process. During her six-year stint with Adidas Group, Newcomer found a better way. As senior manager of internal communication at Adidas, she developed an innovative internal communications plat– fo rm known as "Ask The Management." Its success inspired her to found Blue Hill Solutions in Portland with her husband and business partner, Peat Bakke, in 2006. The two came up with a secure soft– ware application, Chatter Mill, based on the "Ask the Management" concept. "While managing Adidas communications for 2,000 employees across 25 countries, I recognized the need for a platform for improving employee-man– agement communication," says Newcomer. the rising younger generations, "want access to tools that allow them to express their ideas," she says. Newcomer, a native Porclander and high school athlete, began communicating early. She was a public-address an– nouncer for Parkrose High School football and basketball games. Thinking she might pursue a career in sports casting, Using Chatter Mill, employees can ask questions, air ideas or complaints, and receive a response from man– agement-all anonymously. Nova Newcomer has developed an efficient software program for employee communication. "It's not scientific, but it gives you a snapshot in time of what people are thinking about an issue," she explains. Providing confidentiality encourages safe idea-sharing and thought– provoking discussion, Newcomer contends. The service, launched in May 2007, has garnered good reviews and attracted corporate attention. Companies are rec– ognizing that members of their current work force, especially she worked in the Athletics Department at PSU as a media assistant. She also started raking classes on the side, completing a degree in political science. Much of athletics is teamwork-a concept that stuck with Newcomer, who is helping companies come together and work itoureachandeveryworkday. ■ BY CLI FF COL LINS WINTER 2008 PORTLAND STATE MAGAZINE 25
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