Portland State Magazine Winter 2008

ALUMNI NOTES Jan Hootman MST '85 was inducted into rhe National Association of School Nurses Academy of Fellows at its convention this fa ll. Hoot- man is a supervisor for rhe Multnomah Education Service District and has served in rhe field for 26 years. Richard Roper MBA '86 is operations manager for Stan– dard Builders Supply in Salt Lake City. Roper is responsible for rhe company's lumber opera– tions, as well as security, safety, and facilities maintenance. Maryann Beebe '87 is director of marketing training in the U.S. human health division at Merck & Company, Inc., in North Wa les, Pennsylvania. Beebe won Merck's market- ing award for FOSAMAX (treatment of osteoporosis). She and her husband live in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Enrique Nikutowski '87 is senior technical manager at Brontes Technologies, a digital dental equipment company based in Lexington, Mas– sachusetts. Nikurowski serves as rhe commercialization leader for rhe company's digital orthodontic sca nner. Tim Olson '87 is vice president of sales for Bend Broadband and Centra l Oregon Cable Advertis– ing. Olson previously worked with TCI, AT&T Media Ser– vices, and Comcast Spotlight. Cheryl (Petersen) Craig '88 is an Internet buyer for www.solurions.com at Norm Thompson Ourfirrers. Craig lives in Hillsboro. Sylvia Gray '88, MA '91 is a full-rime instructor of history at Portland Commu– nity College. Last May, Gray participated in rhe 2007 Van Cliburn International Piano Competition for Outstanding Amateurs in Fort Worth, Texas. Tim Miller '88 is regional business banking manager for ourhern Oregon at Wells Fargo Banking Group. Miller manages a ream of four business bankers and has been w ith rhe firm since 2002. H e lives in Medford. Dixie Lund EdD '89 is interim president at Eastern Oregon University (EOU) in LaGrande. Lund retired in 2004 after working at EOU for 31 years, most recen tly as dean of rhe division of disrance ed ucation. This is the second time since 2003 rhar Lund will serve as interim presi– dent. She has been married ro Ed Lund '72 for 38 years. Theresa Reed '89 is a Portland freelance writer and speaker, who for more than a decade has covered rhe adult entertain– ment industry and alternative sexuality beats. She is assis– tant editor at YNOT.com , an adu lt entertainment industry on line resource, and owner of Darklady Productions. 1990-99 Robert Van Winkle '90 received a master's degree in quality management from Webster University in Sr. Louis in March. Van Winkle works with Intergraph Corporation, a mapping and GIS company where he says he utilizes both his geography degree from PSU and his later degree. His wife, Catherine (Brown) Van Win– kle '91, is a parr-rime strings in– structor in rhe Mehlville School District, Sr. Louis County. Michael Menger '91 w rites, 'Tm living in New York City pursuing my acting, writing, and directing career. I've ap– peared on the sitcom Hope and Faith, and have a commercial running on national television as rhe Crest Spi nbrush pro guy. In addition, I've been doing severa l voice overs for local and national radio and TV spots. I am working on a play in development titled Secrets: The Untold Story ofSigmund 24 PORTLAND STATE MAGAZINE WINTER 2008 Freud and CarlJung. I'm also producing an original musical extravaganza, The Really BIG Pirate Show, which I wrote (my wife composed rhe music). We produced an ea rlier version of rhe work in Portland at the Winningsrad Theatre in 2001." William Ghormley MST '92 relocated ro Luxembourg and reaches music to primary and middle school srudenrs at the International School of Luxembourg. Ghormley writes, "I am having a ball traveling around Europe in my rime off from my duties ar rhe school." He previously completed 30 years as a music reacher for rhe Evergreen Public Schools in Vancouver, Washington. Scott Kepner '92 owns Riverview Animal Hospira! in Vancouver, Washington, and has been practicing small an imal veterinary medicine for 11 yea rs. Kepner h as three children, ages 5, 6, and 11. Linda Lipscomb MSW '92 is a licensed clinical socia l worker in Oxnard, California. Lipscomb writes, "We recently fulfilled our lifelong dream ofliving ar the beach, when we moved this past spring. Private practice office (x2) keeps us busy." Dale Wishewan '92 is co– founder of Booster Juice, a juice and smoothie bar chain. Wish– ewan and his partner's goal was ro create nutritious drinks rhar rasre good, bur did nor contain an abundance of sugar and arti– ficial ingredients. The first stores were in Canada bur are now being opened in markers across rhe U.S. While ar PSU, he was a member of the Vikings baseball ream. He lives in Lake Oswego. John DeWitt MBA '93 is a product marketing engineer for rhe business client group at Imel Corporation in Hillsboro. Stephen Graves '93 is senior government account execu– tive ar Sprint exrel in South Burlington, Vermont. He and his wife have rwo daugh– ters, Sofia and Alexis. Denise Damico '94 is costu me shop manager at Seattle Reper– tory Theater. Damico previ– ously was a staff design assistant with rhe Oregon Shakespeare Festival for nine years. Allyn (formerly Macinnes) Bailey '94 is srudio execu- tive at rhe Mendora Heights, Minnesota, branch ofAllen Interactions, a custom designer and developer of e-learning programs for corporations. Bailey previously was business manager and model workplace research strategist for Intel IT Flex Services in Oregon. Scott Lippold '94 is a corpo– rate implementation specialist ar Barrett Business Services, Inc., in Vancouver, Washing– ton. Lippold has 15 years of management experience in staffing, project management, and retai l management. He was a radioman while serving in the U.S. Navy and received the Armed Forces Expeditionary and avy Achievement medals. Darin Molnar '94, MA '99 earned a Ph.D. in organiza- tion and management with a specialization in leadership from Capella Un iversity in June. Kaloni Taylor MSW '94 is a therapist and lead clinical staff person at Youth Dynamics, Inc., in Grear Falls, Montana. Taylor has had rwo therapeu- tic workbooks for children published and is also a poet. Heather Devine '95, MS '97 is rhe Wheeler soil and water conservation district engineer– ing technician. Devine provides technical and engineering assistance ro rhe d isrricr for landowner projects, includ- ing gram-funded practices for conservation of natural resources. She also assisrs with project design, contracting, permitting, monitoring and implementation of rhe dis– trict's technical programs.