Portland State Magazine Winter 2007

ALUMNI NOTES is now reaching fi frh grade at Hammond Elementary in rhe Salem-Keizer School District. Erica Bell '04 is a first-year language arts reacher at Sr. Helens Middle School. Her love of writing and reading motivated her to make a differ– ence by reaching language arts. Rick Crone MED '04 has joined rhe reaching staff ar the middle school in rhe Wil– lamina School District. Earlier, Crone taught language arts ro eighth-graders in Madras. Rebecca Johnston '04 owns a surfing school called Oregon SurfAdventures in Cannon Beach. She employs four insrrucrors, includ- ing her husband, Rodney. They hold camps for chil- dren and women and give private and group lessons. Milica Markovic '04 is rhe program assi cant of the International Visitor Program at the World Affairs Council of Oregon, a rare Depart– ment-sponsored program that brings about 500 emerging leaders ro Oregon annually. Corey (Mistretta) Martin '04 is enrolled in rhe P U technical writing ma ter's program. She and her husband, David, live with rhei r six– month-old son in Wi lsonville. Ian Ruder '04, a freelance writer for rhe Oregonian's south– west bureau and sports section, has starred Vikings Blog, a new blog that covers PSU athletics. He said, "I plan ro make it a home for well-informed talk of PSU sports. It will be updated frequently and I'll be doing all rhe writing, reporting, and other fun scuff. I'm excited!" Isaac Bauman '05 is rhe owner and designer ofAntic lorhing, LLC, located in Portland. His designs are hand-drawn and painted "for the sake of being fun." Hit the road for PSU Show your Viking spirit and help support student scholarship through a PSU license plate available from the Oregon Department of Motor Vehicles. Apply using Form 268, found in any DMV office or on the Web site www.OregonDMV.com. www.OregonDMV . com 28 PORTLAND STATE MAGAZINE WINTER 2007 Johanna Beekman '05 cele– brated rhe release of her newest album, If I Could Fly, in Octo– ber. The 14 tracks on rhe CD draw on a wide variety of styles, from alternative folk-rock ro in– die pop ro gospel ro elecrronica. Christy Harper '05 is a regional sales representa- tive at First Insight, a patient tracking software systems company for eye care profes– sionals located in Hillsboro. Leslie Lanzar '05 is a medical claims representative at Pro– gressive Insurance in Tigard. Vincent Pimont MBA '05 works at Intel Corp. in Hillsboro as a strategic financial analyst. Andi Prewitt '05 is a news writer at rhe Fox 12/PDX 49 news station in Beaverton. Robin Baker '06 is a graduate assisrant in P U's Sociology Department as What's new? she works toward her master's degree in sociology. Vicki Crooks MS '06 joined the faculty in the communica– tion scud ies departmenr at Oregon Institute of Technol– ogy in Klamath Falls rh is fa ll. Her areas of interest include theater and improvisation. Sam Tazumel MSW '06 is working for Multnomah Counry in its social services division in rhe area of adult prorecrive services. In 2006, Tazumel became a Un ired Stares citizen . Ar PSU, he received the Frank Roberts cholarsh ip in 2005 and 2006 and will join rhe committee to help select future scholars. David Tauber '06 is rhe new youth director at Congregation Neveh Shalom in southwest Portland. Tauber said rhar he is excited to work w ith kids, "and help them get involved in youth programs." ■ Have you recently received an honor, promotion, or golden opportunity? Share the important events in your life in Alumni Notes. Send us your news (and photos) by e-mail to psualum@pdx.edu , on the Web at www.alumni.pdx.edu, or by mail at Alumni Relations, Portland State University, PO Box 751, Portland OR 97207-0751. Please include your name and contact information. PSU Alumni Association PORTLANO STATE UNIVERSITY