Portland State Magazine Winter 2007
poreray the con A icted expe– riences of Arab-American women. As an Arab-American herself, it is elbak's goal co encourage the film world co view these women as viable lead characters in mainstream cinema and to create more con– temporary Arab role models. Brett Baker MBA '02 was promoted co a vice presi- dent at Wells Fargo Busi- ness Banking Group. Baker joined Wells Fargo in 2002. He is based in Tigard. Devon Clasen '02 lives in Las Vegas and works as a freelance writer. He writes a monthly column for So Vegas!, a local fashion and beauty magazine. Clasen also works as a creative writer for an events and destinarion services company, Destinations By Design. Owen Combe '02 , a den- risr, has purchased The Arc of Smilemaking, a high-end cosmetic dental clinic in Lake Grove. Through his business, he recendy flew a family up from Mexico co complete extensive dentistry work. "The best reward is restoring healrh and giving a patient the ability co smile again," said Combe. Danielle M. Curran '02 is a media buyer for Bradshaw Advertising, a Pordand-based advertising agency. She is mar– ried co Paul Rector, who was a fellow cheater arcs student at PSU, and they have rwo children. Shane Horton '02 is a sixth-grade teacher at J. Middle School in Madras. Erin Ogle '02 is acting director of alumni and par– ent programs at Lewis & Clark College in Portland. Rebecca Peatow MSW '02 recently became interim executive director for the Portland Women's Crisis Line, Oregon's oldest 24/7 hotline. She was also appointed to the prevention and educa- tion committee of the Oregon Attorney General 's exual Assault Task Force, a statewide, multidisciplinary group of service providers focusing on preventing sexual violence. David Shonk '02, a Troutdale farmer and descendant of the family chat operated che now-gone landmark, Zims Shopping Plaza, hopes co continue family tradition by organizing Gresham's first member-operated grocery. His imerest in co-ops evolved after he graduated from PSU and ended up selling fair trade organic coffee for a private company. Chari Everson, MURP '03 is a transportation environ– mental planner ar HNTB in San Antonio, Texa . Seniye GroffMS '03 has been promoted co vice president of creative services at Via Training, a sales training program in Portland. Anne McKee Reed MM '03, a voice reacher at Oregon's Lin field College and Pacific University, sang the pare of usanna in The Marriage of Figaro for Opera Plus!, a non– profit educationa l opera com– pany in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. The production was performed in September and October. Curtis Poff'03 is editor of MacWorld magazine in San Francisco. He and his wife, Ann , were drawn co the eptember PSU event in San Francisco because of the colorful postcard show– ing the green Park Blocks. Kathryn Talley-Crinklaw '03 recently joined West Coast Event Productions as the assistant co the president of event sales and coordina– tion in rhei r Portland office. Sarah Whitney '03, MED '04, a former Jane Wiener Memorial Alumni Scholar, ALUMNI NOTES WINTER 2007 PORTLAND STATE MAGAZINE 27
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