Portland State Magazine Winter 2007
ALUMNI NOTES Skip Rhody McRobert '93 is a writer of graphic novels and fiction in Southern California. Kyle McTeague '93 was promoted to senior engineer associate at Murray, Smith & Associates, Inc. , an Oregon– based civil and env i- ronment engineering firm. McTeague tor, and volunteer coordinator ac che Lake County Crisis Center. She has worked more than a decade in mental health and sees a few clients in her private practice. Andre Elmaleh '94 was recent– ly selected by the Pore of Tacoma has over 17 years' experience with the firm and manages water, wastewater, stormwater, and roadway planning and improve- Andre Elmaleh to serve as che director of auto business. Elmaleh has spent the past 10 years in che marine cranspor– racion segment of che auto induscry, most recently as ment projects for a variety of northwest Oregon public agency clients. He also serves as one of MSA's key city engineering representatives. Angelyn Ray MSW '93 is a client advocate, group facilica- Way to go, Tom! pore operations manager for G lovis America in Tacoma. Bobby Harris '94 recencly retired as an alcohol and drug therapist at Morrow County Behavioral Health . Harris plans to further his professional development by attending workshops addressing gambling add ictions, which he sa id have affecced about 20 percent of his past cl ients. "I'm not done," said Harris, "a nd I don't chink I can leave the field." Robert L. Wheeler '94 was elected mayor of Happy Va lley in November. Wheeler also earned his certified financial planner designation last year. Jason Bledsoe '95 recently began his 11th year with the Oregon State Police. He is a lieutenant in che criminal investigation division, working out of Salem and directing the work of the OSP's Homeland Security section. Bledsoe, his wife, and their daughter live in southwest Porcland. Mike Corley MPA '95 was recently hired as che Pine Eagle School District's interim principa l and superintendent. He has years of experience as a teacher, principal, and superintendent, and knows his way around Eastern Oregon and rural community issues. Nicholas Kapton '95 exhibited his oil paintings and mixed media collages at a show tided "Describing the Sublime" at che RiverSea Gallery in Astoria. This was his second solo exhibit with the ga llery. Cynthia LaMarche MA '95 has moved to sunny Santa Barbara, Californ ia, after living in Porcland for the past 30 years. LaMarche is now a reg– istered financial associate with A.G. Edwards & Sons, Inc. The College of Urban and Public Affairs salutes Tom Moyer, a 2003 Urban Pioneer Award honoree, who continues to make a difference. Through his generous gift, Portland is unpaving a parking lot and putting up a piece of paradise– the city's newest park at Southwest Park and Taylor Streets. Please join us on May 17 when the College of Urban and Public Affairs will honor the 2007 Urban Pioneers. For more information, please visit www.upa.pdx.edu or call Trish Hamilton at 503-725-5209. 24 PORTLAND STATE MAGAZINE WINTER 2007 Portland State UNIVERSITY
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