4 WAYS TO SHARE YOUR TIME FROM SUNNY DAYS under Park Blocks elms to the professors who changed your life, you made a host of important memories at Portland State. If you want to make a difference for today’s students, consider sharing the most valuable resource you have—your time. Here are four great ways to give back as a volunteer. (Look for updates at pdx.edu/ alumni/volunteer.) HELP MAKE COMMENCEMENT SPECIAL: After two years without in-person graduation ceremonies, Portland State wants this year to be extra special. Help make it happen by volunteering to staff the event at our new venue, Providence Park, on Saturday, June 11, or Sunday, June 12. Sign up at pdx.edu/commencement/volunteer. NURTURE THE NEXT GENERATION: Do you have business wisdom and expertise to share with undergraduate and graduate students? The School of Business is seeking alumni to review resumes, conduct mock interviews, mentor current students one-on-one, give guest lectures and more. Many opportunities are online and open to alumni who live outside of Oregon. See more details and sign up at bit.ly/psubizvolunteer. Email Becky Sanchez at beckys@pdx.edu with questions. EASE STUDENT HUNGER: Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, more students than ever have been seeking help to keep food on the table. As a result, campus organizations that work with food assistance could use extra hands. PSU’s monthly Free Food Market takes place outside in the Park Blocks the second Monday morning of every month. Email foodhelp@pdx. edu to volunteer. Or, help out at the PSU Food Pantry in Smith Memorial Student Union once a week. Email pantry@pdx.edu for details. MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD: No matter where you live, stand in support of Portland State University by becoming a PSU Advocate. As part of this network, you’ll be provided with opportunities to engage directly with lawmakers to ensure a bright future for PSU students. Sign up to receive action alerts by texting PORTLANDSTATE to 52886. Volunteers work to communicate and promote the value of having an outstanding teaching and research institution in Portland. Learn more at pdx.edu/alumni/advocates and email alum@pdx.edu with questions. —SCHOLLE McFARLAND Deborah S. Peterson MA ’95, education faculty emerita, co-edited the books Improvement Science: Promoting Equity in Schools and Improvement Science as a Tool for School Enhancement, published with Myers Education Press. Brandon Pettit ’19 was hired as a video editor at Heart and Hustle Productions (heartandhustleproductions.com), the media company founded by Rashad Floyd ’00. David Roesler MA ’20 published an article in the Journal of English for Academic Purposes based on his master ’s thesis, “When a Bug is Not a Bug: An Introduction to the Computer Science Academic Vocabulary List.” Joan Rudd ’69 will release the book Building Solid: A Life in Stories on Amazon.com on May 15, with a simultaneous Zoom presentation and studio tour. See joanruddsculpture. com for details. Ashley Schahfer ’15 founded the company Empowering Access (empoweringaccess.com), in Bend, Oregon, to equip communities with equitable, inclusive strategies that ensure people with disabilities feel welcome outdoors. Elizabeth S. Scofield MA ’97 published the book Nordic Influence on Emerson’s Self-Reliance, the story of her 1993-2006 journey in search of the true source of Emerson’s concept of self-reliance. Grace Skinner ’17 won the Seattle Opera Guild’s Singers’ Development Awards and Austin Allen ’21 placed third. Zachary Smith ’10 is the new vice president of university development and alumni engagement at California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo, California, as well as CEO of the Cal Poly Foundation. Jodi Watson ’88 was appointed to the Board of Directors for PetMeds Express, a publicly traded pet health company based in Delray Beach, Florida. She also serves on the Board of Directors for Dogtopia, the fastest growing franchise dog daycare company and Dakota Supply Group, a distribution supply company in the construction industry. Anna Weltner ’19 finished her latest documentary film, Goitre, which has won numerous accolades, including being named Winner, Best Documentary, at the European Film Festival. Cameron Whitten ’16 received Willamette Week’s 2021 Skidmore Prize for young Portlanders working to make the city a better place. Whitten was recognized for work with the Black Resilience Fund. Desiree Wilson ’16 MS ’20, a literary agent for the Bent Agency, was named a Publishers Weekly Star Watch Honoree for 2021. LOSSES John “Jack” Cooper, English faculty, 1970-99; Victor “Vic” Dahl, history faculty, 1959-90; Elizabeth Furse, founding director for the Institute for Tribal Government; Mary Ann Haisch ’90; Nancy Anne Hill ’80 MS ’88; Michihiro “Michi” Kosuge, art faculty, 1978-2003; Richard “Dick” Lycan, geography faculty, 1970-2004; Ray Mariels ’61, English faculty, 1967-2002; Katie Jay Scott-Stauring ’05; Norm Wyers, social work faculty, 1974-96. Read tributes at pdx.edu/magazine/remembrances. Email alum@pdx.edu with your alumni news. ALUMNI IN THE NEWS (CONTINUED) NASHCO 1 2 3 4 38 // PORTLAND STATE MAGAZINE