Portland State Magazine Spring 2022

Answer Key: 1. A 2 . D. Though the Bicycle Transpor tation Al l iance was not involved in the original Bike Bi l l , in the early 1990s the group sued the Ci ty of Por tland to implement i t , lobbied Trimet to become the f irst large transi t agency to be 100% bike accessible and campaigned for bikefriendly bridges and roads. 3. C. A photo of a ci ty truck dumping asphal t into the river ran in the 1971-72 Viking yearbook . Ralph Nader did speak at PSU, but that was in 1970, the year before PSU’s OSPIRG chapter organized; 4. D 5. C 6. D 7. A 8. C. Al l but the Vanpor t bui lding has a Platinum rating, but Lincoln Hal l was the f irst . Green Roots Ours may be an urban campus, but from the school colors to the leafy Park Blocks, it’s safe to say Portland State’s heart has always been green. Test your knowledge of PSU’s environmental past in this quiz. —SCHOLLE MCFARLAND 1. The nation’s first bottle bill, passed in 1971, aimed to reduce Oregon litter by mandating a 5-cent deposit on all soft drink and beer bottles, redeemable on return. What former Portland State student is known for writing it? a. State Rep. Paul Hanneman (R-Tillamook) b. State Sen. Margaret Carter (D-Portland) c. Gov. Barbara Roberts (D) d. All of the above 2. What part did PSU play in Oregon’s landmark 1971 Bicycle Bill—the first of its kind in the nation—which sets aside a minimum of 1% of state transportation spending for bike and pedestrian infrastructure? a. State Rep. Al Densmore ’68 (D-Medford) co-sponsored the bill b. The Bicycle Transportation Alliance (now the Street Trust), cofounded by Rex Burkholder ’84, collected signatures in support c. Sam Oakland, English faculty and pioneering bike activist, rallied cyclists to lobby for the bill and led citizen actions d. A & C 3. PSU students organized a public interest research group (PIRG) chapter in 1971 to work for environmental and consumer protections. What was one of its first successful actions? a. Students invited Ralph Nader to speak at Smith Memorial Student Union b. Students succeeded in getting meat banned from all PSU cafeterias and catering c. After students sent the county district attorney photos of City of Portland trucks dumping hot asphalt into the Willamette River, the city agreed to stop d. A & B 4. In 1983, Oregon passed the nation’s first recycling bill, which called for state-wide curbside recycling in communities of more than 4,000 people. How has PSU helped improve the state’s recycling since then? a. PSU’s Recycling Education Project (now Community Environmental Services) piloted a program to improve recycling in apartments and other multifamily dwellings in the 1980s b. Student researchers in PSU’s Community Environmental Services (CES) have analyzed 189 organizations’ trash to help reduce waste and improve their sustainability c. CES students helped design the collection station that travelers at Portland’s airport empty drinks into at the TSA line, reducing unnecessary weight in the recycling stream d. All of the above 5. For years, Portland has had one of the nation’s highest rates of bike commuting for a large city. What bike safety technique was not first evaluated by researchers at PSU’s Transportation Research Education Center? a. The first large-scale installation of bike boxes, which aim to increase the visibility of bikers at intersections and prevent right-hook crashes b. Portland’s first protected bike lane c. Inflatable airbag helmets d. All of the above 6. The College of Education conducted the first U.S. research into how garden-based learning affects educational outcomes at the Learning Gardens Laboratory. What else does the 12-acre site in Southeast Portland offer? a. Hands-on learning for PSU students in the Leadership for Sustainability Education master’s program b. Fresh, high-quality and affordable produce to the local community c. Garden-based education for middle schoolers learning about science and sustainability d. All of the above 7. What gave PSU’s sustainability efforts a big boost in 2008? a. The University received a $25 million 10 year challenge grant from the James F. and Marion L. Miller Foundation exclusively for sustainability programs b. Portland-based band Biltzen Trapper donated 25% of the proceeds from its album “Furr” to benefit campus sustainability c. Lehman Brothers donated $10 million to convert most campus roofs to eco-roofs d. B & C 8. LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is the most widely used green building rating system in the world. What was the first PSU building to achieve the highest LEED rating of Platinum in 2011? a. Karl Miller Center b. Vanport building c. Lincoln Hall d. Robertson Life Sciences Building SPRING 2022 // 27