Portland State Magazine, Spring 2021
— - 20 // PORTLAND STATE MAGAZINE A fond and fascinating look at PSU’s past through 21 objects and artifacts You probably know the basic outline of the story: Started to educate veterans returning from World War II in 1946, the school that would eventually become Portland State was swept away by the 1948 Vanport Flood. From the water-logged wreckage, it stubbornly rose again, got a toehold in the Park Blocks, and over the decades grew to be the most diverse and accessible university in Oregon . Instead of retelling that well-known tale, to celebrate Portland State’s 75th anniversary we sought out the small stories. Each of these 21 objects and artifacts some little known, some unexpected—adds a different perspective on the people who lived Portland State’s history and made it what it is today. We hope you learn something new about your alma mater.
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