Portland State Magazine Spring 2017
SPRING 2017 PORTLAND STATE MAGAZINE 19 INVISIBLE I AM NOT JENBELL UNITEDSTATESNAVYVETERAN JENSHEETZ UNITEDSTATESNAVYVETERAN IAMNOT INVISIBLIE IAmNot Invisible is a remarkable exhibition featuring20portraitsofOregonwomenmilitaryveterans. ere aremore than28,000womenveterans inOregon— anumber thathas risen steadilyover thepast three decades— representing almostone-tenthofOregon’sveteranpopulation.Andyet,womenveterans continue to face signi cantbarriers and challenges in accessingnecessaryhealth care andother services,while experi- encing a lackof recognitionunlike theirmale counterparts.By spotlighting themany facesof thisdiverse and important segmentof theOregonveteran community, IANI aims to increase awareness anddialogue about womenveterans, aswell asopenviewers’ eyes to themyriad contributions,needs and experiencesofwomenwhohave served in themilitary. IAMNOT INVISIBLIE IAmNot Invisible is a remarkable exhibition featuring20portraitsofOregonwomenmilitaryveterans. ere aremore than28,000womenveterans inOregon— anumber thathas risen steadilyover thepast threedecades — representing almostone-tenthofOregon’sveteranpopulation.Andyet,womenveterans continue to face signi cantbarriers and challenges in accessingnecessaryhealth care andother services,while experiencing a lack of recognitionunlike theirmale counterparts.By spotlighting themany facesof thisdiverse and important segmentof theOregonveteran community, IANI aims to increase awareness anddialogue aboutwomenveterans, as well asopenviewers’ eyes to themyriad contributions,needs and experiencesofwomenwhohave served in themilitary. INVISIBLE I AM NOT KIMGRAY UNITEDSTATESCOASTGUARDVETERAN IAMNOT INVISIBLIE IAmNot Invisible is a remarkable exhibition featuring20portraitsofOregonwomenmilitaryveterans. ere aremore than28,000womenveterans inOregon— anumber thathas risen steadilyover thepast threedecades — representing almostone-tenthofOregon’sveteranpopulation.Andyet,womenveterans continue to face signi cantbarriers and challenges in accessingnecessaryhealth care andother services,while experiencing a lack of recognition,unlike theirmale counterparts.By spotlighting themany facesof thisdiverse and important segmentof theOregonveteran community, IANI aims to increase awareness anddialogue aboutwomenveterans, aswell asopenviewers’ eyes to themyriad contributions,needs and experiencesofwomenwhohave served in themilitary. INVISIBLE I AM NOT ROSIEMACIAS UNITEDSTATESMARINECORPSVETERAN IAMNOT INVISIBLIE IAmNot Invisible is a remarkable exhibition featuring20portraitsofOregonwomenmilitaryveterans. ere aremore than28,000womenveterans inOregon— anumber thathas risen steadilyover thepast threedecades — representing almostone-tenthofOregon’sveteranpopulation.Andyet,womenveterans continue to face signi cantbarriers and challenges in accessingnecessaryhealth care andother services,while experiencing a lack of recognitionunlike theirmale counterparts.By spotlighting themany facesof thisdiverse and important segmentof theOregonveteran community, IANI aims to increase awareness anddialogue aboutwomenveterans, as well asopenviewers’ eyes to themyriad contributions,needs and experiencesofwomenwhohave served in themilitary. INVISIBLE I AM NOT VICTORIAHUCKABY UNITEDSTATESNAVYVETERAN IAMNOT INVISIBLIE IAmNot Invisible is a remarkable exhibition featuring20portraitsofOregonwomenmilitaryveterans. ere aremore than28,000womenveterans inOregon— anumber thathas risen steadilyover thepast threedecades — representing almostone-tenthofOregon’sveteranpopulation.Andyet,womenveterans continue to face signi cantbarriers and challenges in accessingnecessaryhealth care andother services,while experiencing a lack of recognitionunlike theirmale counterparts.By spotlighting themany facesof thisdiverse and important segmentof theOregonveteran community, IANI aims to increase awareness anddialogue aboutwomenveterans, as well asopenviewers’ eyes to themyriad contributions,needs and experiencesofwomenwhohave served in themilitary. INVISIBLE I AM NOT JEANWOJNOWSKI UNITEDSTATESARMYVETERANANDWWIINURSE IAMNOT INVISIBLIE IAmNot Invisible is a remarkable exhibition featuring20portraitsofOregonwomenmilitaryveterans. ere aremore than28,000womenveterans inOregon— anumber thathas risen steadilyover thepast threedecades — representing almostone-tenthofOregon’sveteranpopulation.Andyet,womenveterans continue to face signi cantbarriers and challenges in accessingnecessaryhealth care andother services,while experiencing a lack of recognitionunlike theirmale counterparts.By spotlighting themany facesof thisdiverse and important segmentof theOregonveteran community, IANI aims to increase awareness anddialogue aboutwomenveterans, as well asopenviewers’ eyes to themyriad contributions,needs and experiencesofwomenwhohave served in themilitary. INVISIBLE I AM NOT RENEEDICK UNITEDSTATESARMYVETERAN IAMNOT INVISIBLIE IAmNot Invisible is a remarkable exhibition featuring20portraitsofOregonwomenmilitaryveterans. ere aremore than28,000womenveterans inOregon— anumber thathas risen steadilyover thepast threedecades — representing almostone-tenthofOregon’sveteranpopulation.Andyet,womenveterans continue to face signi cantbarriers and challenges in accessingnecessaryhealth care andother services,while experiencing a lack of recognitionunlike theirmale counterparts.By spotlighting themany facesof thisdiverse and important segmentof theOregonveteran community, IANI aims to increase awareness anddialogue aboutwomenveterans, as well asopenviewers’ eyes to themyriad contributions,needs and experiencesofwomenwhohave served in themilitary. INVISIBLE I AM NOT DAYLESHULDAHITE UNITEDSTATESAIRFORCEVETERAN IAMNOT INVISIBLIE IAmNot Invisible is a remarkable exhibition featuring20portraitsofOregonwomenmilitaryveterans. ere aremore than28,000womenveterans inOregon— anumber thathas risen steadilyover thepast threedecades — representing almostone-tenthofOregon’sveteranpopulation.Andyet,womenveterans continue to face signi cantbarriers and challenges in accessingnecessaryhealth care andother services,while experiencing a lack of recognitionunlike theirmale counterparts.By spotlighting themany facesof thisdiverse and important segmentof theOregonveteran community, IANI aims to increase awareness anddialogue aboutwomenveterans, as well asopenviewers’ eyes to themyriad contributions,needs and experiencesofwomenwhohave served in themilitary. INVISIBLE NI I AM NOT EILEENGARLINGTON UNITEDSTATESNAVYVETERAN DEBORAH LYNN PETERSON Navy veteran, PSU senior in social work MARIA CAROLINA GONZÁLEZ-PRATS Army veteran, PSU doctoral student in social work Clockwise starting from top left: H. Jean Wojnowski, Army veteran and WWII nurse; Renee E.A. Dick, Army veteran; Dayle Shulda Hite, Air Force veteran; Eileen Garlington, Navy veteran, PSU senior in arts and letters; Victoria Huckaby, Navy veteran; Kim T. Gray, Coast Guard veteran; Rosy Marcelino-Macias, Marine Corps veteran; Jen Bell and Jen Sheetz, Navy veterans.
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