Portland State Magazine Spring 2015

SPRING 2015 PORTLAND STATE MAGAZINE 5 Describing core values DIVERSITY, collaboration and relevance are the words that best represent the core values of PSU, according to alumni who answered a recent survey. Input from alumni and the rest of the University community is needed for a new strategic plan that will guide the University for the next five to 10 years. In response to dramatic changes in higher education, Portland State’s new Board of Trustees asked that a new plan be created. Nearly 700 alumni completed the survey, using individual words to answer questions. Words describing PSU’s greatest strengths: urban, location and community. Its greatest weaknesses? Cost, reputation and (no surprise) parking. Rebooting a career NAOMI DICKERSON’S  background in Russian literature, dog walking and carpentry may not seem like the building blocks of a career in the tech sector, but through PSU’s New Beginnings program she is now pursuing a master’s in computer science with a fellowship provided by Intel Corp. Intel has pledged $130,000 to New Beginnings, an intensive graduate school prep program designed for students who have a bachelor’s degree, a strong background in math and an interest in a computer science career. Successful participants, like Dickerson, are automatically accepted into PSU’s computer science master’s program. PA R K B L O C K S