Portland State Magazine Spring 2010

C PSU ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Christopher Naze '03 is a fourth-grade reacher at Maple– wood Elementary in Porcland. Chip Shields MSW '03 was appointed co che Oregon Senate District 32 sear previously held by Sen. Margaret Carter '73. Ruth White MBA '03 is vice president of program development at Via Train- ing, an e-learning company in Elkridge, Maryland. Greg Brown MBA '04 is vice president of loan administra– tion at Riverview Commu– nity Bank in Klamath Falls, where he lives with his wife, Jennie Hunter-Brown '82, and their two chi ldren. Mandana Salehi '04 is a senior director of business development at Excerro, Inc., a Beaverton company that provides litigation software for the legal industry. Salehi is also in che MBA program ac Marylhurst University. Alexis Clark Tate '04 is a water reliability 2020 pub- lic in formation manager for West Basin Municipal Water District in Carson, California. Dave Kobzina MS '05 is an admissions counselor for che PSU New Student Programs. Kristi Jo Lewis MS '05, MPA '05 was named co the Porcland Business Journal 's 2010 Forty Under 40 list. Lewis is president and CEO of G lobal Siscergoods, Inc., which sells fair trade cloth– ing, accessories, home decor, and coys created by women artisans from around the world. Erin Hulme '06 is an Americas associate with Internacional Business Leaders Forum, a non– profit char promotes responsible business around che world. Hulme works in New York. River Hwang '06 is a per– sonal jewelry consultant at Cookie Lee Fine Fash ion Jewelry in Porcland. Cecillia Orphan '06 is national manager for the American Democracy Project with che American Association of Scace Colleges and Universities in Washington, D.C. Orphan writes char Byron L. Haines, professor of philosophy, was her ulcimace mentor. Alder Phillips MPA '06 is a program and project develop– ment officer at che United Scares Agency for Internacional Development. Phillips is working in Nepal. Sumie Togo MS '06 lives in Tokyo, where she enjoys visiting museums, attending classical music concerts, play– ing golf, and reading books. Natalee Webb MS '06 is interim assistant dean of students and senior conduce officer at Porcland Scace. Webb's favorite PSU memories include pulling all-nighters in che library with her study bud- dies and che "amazing people" she mer in her program with whom she is still in contact. Joshua Halpin MPA '07 is an account executive at the Con– nections Group, a candidate and public policy campaign consulcing firm in Seaccle. Katherine "Kate" Hummel MPA '07 is a classification officer with che United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cul– tural Organization, where she evaluates close co 3,000 poses located in Paris and elsewhere. Toni Pennington PhD '07 is an aquatic biologist for the surface water group at Terra Tech in Porcland. Drew Robinson '07, MEd '08 is an algebra reacher for che Peninsula School, a K-8 public school in North Porcland. Johnathan Tran '07 is an asso– ciate with Sensiba San Filippo, an accounting firm in San Francisco. Tran is working 28 PORTLAND STATE MAGAZINE SPRING 2010 on a master's in taxation from Golden Gare University. Carly Bodnar '08 is an artist who creates paintings, screen– prints, photography, and cards. She lives in Porcland. Nick Boyd '08 is a juvenile counselor at The Inn Home for Boys in Porcland. One of Boyd's favorite memories of PSU is che first rime PSU went co the NCAA playoffs in men's basketball. "Even though we lose, it was a huge step foe PSU," says Boyd. Rico Delapaz '08 is a calibra– tion and correlation officer for Silcronic Corporation, a sil icon wafer manufacturer in Porcland. Glen Esler '08 is a staff environmenta l chemise with AMEC Earth & Environmen– tal in Porcland. Esler recencly earned credentials as a certi- fied laboratory aud itor. Odilia Fazioni MA '08 is a business development and cul– tural coach for Gaclin Interna– tional, an online career training company. Fazioni works our of Dallas, Texas. She is also an instructor at Dallas Community College and enjoys running and improving her marksman– ship at a shooting range. Amanda Newberg '08 is a seventh-grade social stud- ies reacher in New York City. Newberg is a corps member with Teach for America, a non– profit organization chat places recent college graduates in d isadvantaged school systems. Tyler Roppe '08 is a dispatcher and lead worker for the PSU Campus Public Safety Office. Roppe's favorite memories of PSU are his tenure as a student journalise and participating in on-campus natural building projects in professor Richard Clucas's Power Game class. Paul Solimano MA '08 is an archeologisc with Willamette Cu ltural Resources Associates, a Porcland archaeological firm. Ersun Warncke '08 is a busi– ness and economy reporter for the Salem-News.com. Warncke also works as an independent software designer specializing in Web-based applications, open source software, and peer-co-peer applications. Roy Watters MA '08 is an ethnographer for Willamette Cultural Resources Associates, a Porcland archaeological firm. Watters is also an instructor at Porcland Seate and recencly conducted multi-sire ethno– graphic research for Intel. In Memoriam Clarke Brooke, Jr., professor emeritus of geography, died December 4. He was 89. Dr. Brooke joined the faculty in 1954 and went on co inves– tigate food supply problems, land use, and relevant generic characteristics of endangered breeds ofsheep. His work led co overseas field studies in Turkey, Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Tanganyika, and Europe. Leonard Cebula, former busi– ness administration adjunct facu lty, died February 22. He also taught at Mc. Hood Community College and retired from Bonneville Power Administration in 1987. Cebula maintained his own income tax consulcing practice for 30 years. William T. Schantz, professor emeritus of business admin is– tration, died April 14. He was 75. A beloved, award-winning professor, Schantz caught tax, accounting, business law, legal environment, che CPA Law Review, and ocher business courses for 31 years, until his retirement in 1994. He was also a member of che Oregon Seate Bar and in March was honored for 50 years of meritorious service. ■ ■ = PSUAA Member