Portland State Magazine Spring 2010
staffing firm. He is also a board member and long-rime volun– teer for 826 Valenica, a national program char provides writing support for children. Morales lives in Oakland, California. Karin Waller MS '00 is office coordinator for the PSU Department of Geogra– phy. Waller is on the board of direcrors for Hostell ing International (Oregon). Sarah Adams Bracelin '01 is director of marketing and business development at Myhre Group Architects, Inc., in Portland. Bracelin comes from a long line of PSU alumni, including her father, Doug Adams '69, and her sisters, Erin Adams '00, Mariah Adams '04, and Magdalen Adams '08. Danny Ly '01, MPA '03 is a senior manager of governmenta l affairs for AstraZeneca Pharma– ceuticals in Washington, D.C. Thaddeus Shannon MS '01, PhD '07 is an assisranr professor of theater at West– ern Oregon University in Monmouth. Shannon is also production manager and lighting designer for Do Jump! movement cheater in Portland. Danielle Curran '02 is a media buyer and planner for Standard TV and Appliance in Portland. Margot Peralta Geagon MPA '02 is a cost/price analyst in the Office ofAcquisitions and Financial Assistance for rhe Department of Energy and rhe arional Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden, Colorado. Geagon earned a PhD in finance from Wa lden University in 2009. Therese Lang '02 is a senior account manager at Coates Kokes, a public relations firm in Portland. Professional Development Center You know you should never stop learning, but where do you find the time? With 14 programs and over 100 courses, the Professional Development Center has somethmg to fit your educational needs and schedule. www.pdc.pdx.edu Cindie McKenna MSW '02 has a social work and therapy practice in Portland. McKenna volunteers with rhe Returning Veterans Project, which offers free counseling and other health services for returning veterans and their families in Porrland. Judy Redder MS '02 is manager of curriculum and reporting at Clackamas Com– munity College in Oregon City. Bree Schaaf '02 placed fifrh in the women's bobsled com– petition at the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, Brirish Columbia. chaaf played on the PSU Vikings volleyball team. Maria Bjazevich '03 is a senior project coordinator for Epiq Systems Class Action and Claims Solutions in Beaverton. Rod Conduragis MBA '03 is the signature client director for AT&T Busi– ness Services in Porrland. Josh Fuhrer '03 made the Portland BusinessJournal's 2010 Forry Under 40 lisr. Fuhrer is a Gresham ciry councilor and volunteers for both Gresham and Porrland organizations. Nicole Geils '03 is marker- ing manager at Alyeska Resort in Girdwood, Alaska, and owns NKG Image Produc– tions. In February, Geils exhibited her photos at the Anchorage Convention and Visitors Bureau center. lmran Haider '03, MS '08 is a humanities instructor at Chemekeca Community Col– lege in Salem. Haider is also the assistant women's basket– ball coach of rhe college. Daniel Hill MBA '03 is the chief financial officer for Sea on Management, a senior housing management company affi liated with Viridis Asset Managemenr in Lake Oswego. School of Extended Studies SPRING 2010 PORTLAND STATE MAGAZINE 27
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