Portland State Magazine Spring 2010

1990-1999 Antoinette Edwards '90 i diversity director of rhe Oregon Trail chapter of rhe American Red Cross in Portland. The Mu ltnomah County Office of C itizen Involvement honored her wirh rhe 2009 Gladys Mc– Coy Award for lifetime volunteer achievement. ManaJ Refaat Loubani MS '90 is an ed ucational consul– tant in rhe Vice Minister's Office for Gi rls' Education in rhe Min istry of Education in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Blake Patsy '90 is a prin– cipa l at KPFF Consulting Engineers. Patsy is also an advisory council member with First top Portland in the Institute of Metropolitan Studies at Porrland Scare. Daniel McDonald MBA '91 is a PSU Alumni As– sociation board member. McDonald is chair of the 2010 PSU Weekend Plann ing committee. He is married to Kendal McDonald MA '02 , who is secretary of the PSU Alumni Board. Monica Beemer MSW '92 is rhe executive director of Sis– ters of rhe Road, a nonprofit organization char provides food to rhe homeless in Port– land. Beemer was selected 2009 Extraordinary Ex– ecutive Director by Portland Monthly Magazine as part of irs annual Lighr a Fire Award. Thomas Boyd '92 is a sea ff photographer at 7he Orego12ian newspaper in Portland. Boyd writes that the proximity of Portland Stare co 7he Oregonian was essentia l for his success as was Mike Lloyd, staffer at 7he Oregonian and PSU photo journalism instructor. David Ellis MPA '92 is principal archaeologi t ■ = PSUAA Member ar Willamette Cu ltural Resources Associates, a Port– land archaeological firm. Joan Seely Jagodnik '92, MA '96 is the assistant director of Community College Relations at Port– land State. Jagodnik wrote several articles on the history of community colleges in Oregon published in rhe new Oregon Encyclopedia. Jay CoaJson '93 is president and CEO of Green Building Services, a bui lding consulr– ing firm in Portland. He is also on the advisory council of First Stop Porrland in rhe lnsrirure on Metropolitan tudies at Portland State. Lorn Hildreth '93 is president and pri nr broker for Lucky Duck Prim- ing in Hillsboro. Kelly Williams '93 is an artist who combines her PSU psychology background in ch ild ren's trauma and her passion fo r arc as a thera– peutic outlet for children. Her father, Carter Turnbull '90, is also a P U grad. Tom Clark MS '94 is rhe ch ief architect for storage software at IBM and owns four U.S. parents with eight ochers pending. Clark is also an active volunteer in his Tucson, Arizona, community. Dean Westwood '94, MSW '00 is director of rhe Center on Self-Determination at Oregon Health & Science University in Portland. Elaine Brady-Mahoney '95, MSW '98 has a social work and chem ical dependency counseling practice in Port– land. She also volunteers with the Returning Veterans Proj– ect, which offers free counsel– ing and ocher health services for returning veterans and their families in Portland. Bringing justice to the people As the first person to go to college in his family, Paul De Muniz credits Portland State for giving him the chance to pursue a career in law. While Oregon 's top judicial official is honored to be a forerunner, what matters most to him 1s to see the state judicial system more accessible, transpar– ent, accountable, and engaged with the public. One of the ways De Muniz tries to foster an interest in the Justice system among all demo– graphic groups is by encouraging people to be more connected to their state courts. To that end, he has worked to bring the courts to the people– literally. In 2008, the Oregon Supreme Court convened in a Klamath Falls High School gym and engaged observers in a Q-and-A discussion . The case involved 1,000 farm families and 13 water districts battling with a federal agency over water rights in the Klamath Basin . " Courts should be engaged with the communi– ties they serve, " he says. " Ninety-five percent of all litigation takes place in state courts. The public should understand how the courts arrive at their decisions, how they operate, and how they spend their money. Because as Justice goes in state courts, that's how America goes." SPRING 20 10 PORTLA ND STATE MAGAZINE 25