Portland State Magazine Spring 2010
Diplomatic assignment Professor Frank Munk, a former employee of Czechoslovakia's last non– Communist government, saw global potential in Marisa Lino and encouraged her to think about the Foreign Service, a branch of the U.S. Department of State. A project in which she interviewed people about current world issues for a student-run TV show piqued her interest, and the on-camera work gave her confidence to pursue the idea . Lino became one of the first women from Portland State to serve in the U.S. diplomatic corps, and built a distinguished 30-year career with postings to Italy, Pakistan, Syria, Iraq, Tunisia, and Peru. She was named U.S. ambassador to Albania in 1996, facilitating U.5.-Albanian relations until 1999. After her Foreign Service career, she was assistant secretary of international affairs for the Department of Homeland Security. Even in a peripatetic career, Lino's PSU ties emerged, sometimes in surprising ways. On assign– ment as a refugee coordinator in the U.S. embassy in Pakistan, she discovered that two of her col– leagues-an Afghan-American working for the UN and an American working for Save the Chil– dren-had graduated from PSU in her class. She hadn't known them in school, but they've all been friends ever since. 24 PO RTLA ND STATE MAGAZINE SPRING 201 O 1980-1981 Robert Province '80 is an oil and gas negotiator and land manager for ENI Petroleum Company in Anchorage, A laska. Steven Hedberg '81 is a partner in the Portland law firm of Perkins Coie. Law and Politics Magazine named Hedberg to its 2009 Oregon Super Lawyers Top 50 in Oregon. Donald Williams MPA '81 is chief operating officer for Schwabe, Will iamson and Wyatt in Portland. Williams is married to Janet Daneer Williams MPA '84, vice president of human resources at Marylhurst University. Dee Thompson '84, MS '86 retired in March as director of the PSU Career Center. Thompson started at the Career Center as a student and continued wo rki ng there for 29 years with the last 10 as d irector. In 2008 she received an award from the University for her outsta nding service. Mark Clemons MUP '85 is an associate principal for Group Mackenzie, a design firm in Portland. C lemons i married to Mary Weber '83, MUP '88. Lisa Gambee '86, MBA '95 Lisa Gambee '86, MBA '95 is a marketing manager with Flu id Market Strate– gies, a marketing consulting firm based in Portland. Leona Mathews MBA '86 is chief executive officer of The Neurology Center and The Headache Center of Southern Cali fornia in Encinitas, California. Lucinda Sage-Midgorden MA '86 and her husband, Barry Midgorden, have writ– ten a chi ldren's book, Scot– tosaurus the Little Dinosaur. Julie Cieloha '87 is the chief financia l officer of the M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust in Vancouver, Washington. Cieloha is also a member of the Sheriff's Office Citizen Budget Adv isory Committee foe Mu lt– nomah County and received a Mu ltnomah County 2009 Citizen Involvement Award. Tim Hagge '88, MSW '92 is a clinical social worker and outreach specialist in the PSU Student Hea lth and Counsel– ing Center. Hagge is married to Anne Hagge '83, MSW '89, a counselor at St. Mary's Academy in Portland. Trina Bandelow '89 is president ofNorchwesc Medi– ca l, Inc., a medical equipment and supply company based in Springfield, Oregon. Brent Burket '89 and his wife, Jennifer Thoene, who are both physicians, are living and work– ing in Guatemala for the next three years with their fo ur chil– dren. Through M ission Doctors Association, Burker and Thoene are working with the staff at a hospital in Santiago Ariclan. Patricia Butler MSW '89 has a cou nsel ing and fam ily therapy practice in Portland. Burler volu nteers with the Returning Veterans Project, wh ich offers free counseling and ocher health services for returning veterans and their fam il ies in Portland. Takahiro Watabe MS '89 is a chief structural engineer for the Toda Corporation in Tokyo, Japa n. Wacabe's favorite campus memories are the PSU footba ll games and the library.
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