Portland State Magazine Spring 2009
Mind detective HOW MANY DECISIONS have you made in the past week based on faulty information and unrrusrworrhy advice? You might be surprised, writes Michael Philips, professor emeritus of philosophy, in his book lhe Undercover Philosopher: A Guide to Detecting Shams, Lies and Delusions. The book is getting noticed. The hoses of the weekly National Public Radio talk show, Philosophy Talk, interviewed Philips, and you can listen co the interview at www.philosphytalk.org. Drawing on philosophy, science, and psychology, Philips introduces readers co their own faulty perceptions and provides tips for seeing through rhe simple untruths that pervade modern life. The book, written for "literate and intel– ligent people," said Philips, is based on a course he caught at PSU during his almost 40 years on the faculty. Philips retired three years ago and describes himself as an "academic philosopher in recovery." He has written for publications ranging from Mind and Philosophy Now co lhe New York Times. He is also the author of Philoso– phy and Science Fiction and a book on moral philosophy, Between Universal– ism and Skepticism: Ethics as Social Artifact. Amateur filmmaker meets success THE STAR was reluctant, the camera was cheap, and the budget was just $700. In the end, none of chat mattered. The documentary created by Lonnie Tristan Renteria '95, MA '97 was so well received that Viacom bought it and aired it during February, Black History Month, on LOGO TY. The name of Renteria's documentary, Ebony Chunky Love: Bitch Can't Get a Date, is R-rated, just like rhe comedy of the film's star, Keith Price. Price is a gay, black comedian from Texas who deals with issues of daring and self– esteem in his one-man show in the comedy clubs of New York. Renteria-a self-caught filmmaker-spent two weeks filming Price and much longer assembling the footage back home in Searrle, where he teaches at the Arc Insriruce of Searrle. The resulting film includes candid interviews interspersed with footage of Price's ace and his home movies. Renteria was surprised by the film's broad appeal and how powerfully some audience members were affected, regardless of their race or sexual orientation. "What che film does cell you is char comedy can be cathartic," says Renteria. "People who see chis film realize chat there are ways of transcending their own sense of marginality." Ebony Chunky Love was awarded best film in its category at the 2009 San Diego Black Film Festival and was well received on the festival circuit. The film can be seen ar logoonline.com . Renteria is working on a sequel that he hopes co have finished in time for the fall festival circuit. ■ FANFARE New Works DUET WITH HUMMINGBIRD By Ana Callan '85, Three Muses Press, 2008 THE GOOD WIFE'S GUIDE: LE MENAGIER DE PARIS, A MEDIEVAL HOUSEHOLD BOOK By Gina Greco (foreign languages and literatures faculty) and Christine Rose (English faculty), Cornell University Press, 2009 LIVE THROUGH THIS: A MOTHER'S MEMOIR OF RUNAWAY DAUGHTERS AND RECLAIMED LOVE By Debra Gwartney (Eng– lish faculty), Houghton MifHin Harcourt, 2009 A NEW CONSERVATION POLITICS: POWER, ORGANIZATION BUILDING AND EFFECTIVENESS By David Johns '76, Wiley-Blackwell, 2009 ETERNAL IMAGES OF SAKYAMUNI By Junghee Lee (art fac– ulty) and Kan Woo-bang, Korea Foundation, 2008 BYZANTIUM - i - ....... ~ Nil.I IUtllU _...., Music recording by Cappella Romana, Alexander Lingas '86, 2009 MUSIC TO WATCH GIRLS BY Music recording by Quadraphonnes, Michelle Medler 'O l, 2009 SOMETHING HAS TO HAPPEN NEXT By Andrew Michael Roberts '04, University of Iowa Press, 2009 SPRING 2009 PORTLAND STATE MAGAZINE 7
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