Portland State Magazine Spring 2009

in Portland. Benson joined the firm in June 2007 and is a member of rhe Association of Legal Administrators. Tierra Curry MS '07 is a conservation biologist with the Center for Biological Diversity, an advocacy firm in Tucson, Arizona. Curry focuses on rhe listi ng and recovery of endangered species. Jonathan Davies '07 is a com– mercial broker wirh CV Newton Compa ny, a commercial real estate brokerage in Portland. Mary Jane Dunne '07 was part of a visual effects team for the animated movie Coraline, which was released in 2009. Dunne is now working as a develop– ment assistant for St. Mary's Home for Boys in Aloha. Liza Jacobson '07 is an envi– ronmental educator at Port Townsend Marine ci– ence Center in Washington. Michelle Mcllvoy MS '07 is a student involvement manager on the Vancouver campus of Washington Stare University. Lori Noice '07 is enrolled in the medical physics mas- ter's program ar University of Alberta in Canada. Noice is working on a quantitative analysis of a medical imaging technology that takes 3-D snap– shots of moving anatomy, such as a person's breathing lung. Toni Pennington PhD '07 is an aquatic biologist for Terra Tech, an engineering consultant firm in Portland. Pennington is also treasurer of the Or- egon Lakes Association and a member of the orrh American Lake Management Society, the Western Aquatic Plant Manage– ment Society (scholarship chair), and the Aquatic Plant Management Society. Summer Hatfield '08 is an art– ist living in Portland. Hatfield 's work has been shown in several group exhibits throughout the Pacific Northwest as well as in Spain and Germany. She is also the co-founder of Scratch Print Arts and recently painted a mural at Staccato Gelato, in northeast Portland. Jason Lee MBA '08 is a senior project manager for Portland Energy Conservation, Inc., an energy consulting firm. Jane Lierman MS '08 has co-founded a mentoring program in rhe Lake Oswego School District char pairs high school honor scudents wirh fifth- and sixth-graders. David Moen MS '08 is a condor resea rch associate fo r the Oregon Zoo. This winter, ALUMNI NOTES he was feacured in 7he Ore– gonian newspaper and on the pub! ic television show, Oregon Field Guide, for his research on identifying condor– breeding areas in Oregon. Naomi Molstrom '08 is a program assistant for the Wi ld Salmon Center, an interna– tional conservation organization based in Portland. Molstrom, originally from Japan, helps rhe center communicate with Japanese colleagues, and she organizes events. Jessica Ormando '08 is mana– gerial assistant for rhe Valerie A. Foster dental office in Aloha. Brian Wozniak '08 is a senior tax specialist with rhe Internal Revenue Service's Stakeholder Liaison Division in Portland. Wozniak is also an instruc- tor for the Tax Practitioners Institute at Portland State. ■ Looking Back 1969: IT ' S YOUR THING SPRING 2009 PORTLAND STATE MAGAZINE 29