Portland State Magazine Spring 2009
ALUMNI NOTES rhar released its first CD "Music Jason Kennedy MBA '02 is Stephens facilitates communica- Daphne Bussey '05, MEd To Warch Girls By." Medler di rector of business develop- rion with field offices in Iran, '06 is a reacher ar Rosa Park and her husband, Benjamin ment ar Intel, where he directs Pakistan, and Afghanistan. Elementary School in Port- Medler '01, di recr the Port- business customer focused land. Bussey was honored land Jazz Youth Orchestra. engagements between Intel and Robin Taylor-Weber '03 is a for her achievements dur- M icrosofr. Kennedy and his purchasing agent for Grand ing Black History Month by Zoe Rawson MSW '01 is a wife, Kim, have rwo chil- and Benedicrs, a store fixture rhe Portland Trail Blazers. staff attorney wirh The City dren. 1hey live in Portland. and merchandising company in Project, an advocacy group for Portland. Taylor-Weber writes, Anna Fidler MFA '05 is an improving parks and school- Adam Tucker '02 is a partner "I had a fantastic inrernship rhe artist specializing in paper, yards in Los Angeles. Rawson in Lexicon Staffing in Bea- summer of2002 with rhe Fred paintings, insrallarions, earned a law degree from verron. Tucker likes ro travel Meyer headquarters buying music, and film and Hash. University of New York School and has visited 16 countries. department. Ir became rhe road Fidler lives in Los Angeles. of Law at Queens College. ro my first career as assistant Colette Watts Quaglia MFA buyer in arhleric shoes." Viki Points MPH '05 is Mark Rosenkranz MEM '01 '02 is an artist speciali zing an assisranr professor ar rhe is rhe water resource specialist in paintings and drawings of Mary Sue Tobin '03, MM Oregon Insriture of Tech- for Lake Oswego Corporation nature and pattern. Quaglia's '05 is a saxophonist for rhe nology in Klamath Falls, in Lake Oswego. Rosenkranz most recent exhibit was ar rhe Portland Jazz Orchestra. Tobin where she reaches classes in is al o past president and a Houghton House Gallery ar performs regularly with rhe restorative denral hygiene. currenr board member of rhe Hobart and William Smith Oregon Symphony Pops and Oregon Lakes Association. Colleges in Geneva, New York. Portland Cenrer Stage. She has Michael Rudis '05 is an played with many of Portland's architectural consultant for Thaddeus Shannon MS John Blakeman '03 is a rax spe- leading jazz artists, including 4 Frontiers Corporation, a space '01 MS, PhD '07 is an as- cialisr with rhe Internal Revenue Glen Moore and Darrell Grant. commerce company focused on sisranr professor of theater Service's Stakeholder Liaison rhe sertlemenr of Mars. Rudis ar Western Oregon Uni- Division in Portland. Blakeman Dan Gaynor '04 is a pianist is also working on a master's versiry in Monmouth. has also joined rhe Stakeholder for the Portland Jazz Orchestra. degree in space architecture Liaison Team in Portland State's Gaynor has performed profes- ar University of Houston. Eli Caudill '02 educates con- Tax Practitioners Institute. sionally as a jazz pianist since tractors in rhe home building rhe age of 17 with artists such as Jennifer Cox '06 is a freelance industry about energy efficiency Lars Campbell '03 is a Nancy King, Kelly Joe Phelps, artist and a pan-rime editorial in residential construction. trombonist and co-founder of Alan Jones, and "Sweet Baby" assisranr for New Connexion, a He also designs small scale, the Portland Jazz Orchestra. James Benron. Gaynor appears bimonthly journal of spiritual- thermal managemenr proro- Campbell is also a member of on rhe Oasis album by David iry and natural health based types. He lives in Portland. rhe jazz trio Chopslaughrer and Valdez and Pere Soros and on in Marylhursr, Oregon. rhe Bobby Torres Ensemble. Saffron Robe by Chopslaughrer. Ted Cramer '02, MEd Nichole Maher MPH '06 '03 is a science reacher at Karanja Crews MED '03 is a Ayasha Shamsud-Din '04 is a was recognized by rhe Port- Hood River Valley High. reacher ar Jefferson High School case coordinator with LifeWorks land Business journal as one of in Portland. Crews is part of NW in Portland. Shamsud- Portland 's 2008 Forry under Ben Dale '02 is an English rhe Portland Teachers Program, Din works with women who 40. She is executive director of language instructor at three which is in partnership wirh are recovering from alcohol rhe Native American Youth and schools in Sapporo, Japan. Portland Community College, and/or drug addiction. She Family Center in Portland. PSU 's College of Liberal Arrs writes, "I enjoy rhe rewards Rachel Diamond '02 is and Studies, and PSU's Gradu- of knowing rhar I am mak- Driss Takir '06 is an instructor an attorney with rhe Sr. are School ofEducarion. ing a difference in rhe lives of in rhe deparrmenr of earth and Andrew Legal Clinic in children and their families." planetary sciences at Univer- Clackamas County. Eric Nance MSW '03 is an siry of Tennessee Knoxville, outpatient mental health Francene Ambrose '05 was where he is working on a Sarah Fielding Moore '02, therapist ar Srellher Human selected as rhe 2008/2009 PhD in planetary science. MPA '07 oversees residential Services in Bemidji, Minnesota. Hatfield Fellow by the Spirit energy efficiency program He is also co-coordinator of Mounrain Community Fund. Jeffrey Baxter '07 is a pianist offerings for Bonneville a countywide crisis program Ambrose is a Grande Ronde and instructor with Classic Power Administration. Moore's for children and their fami- Tribal member. She is a staff Pianos in Portland. Baxter, ream works with 140 pub- lies. Nance writes, "I wanr ro member in Sen. Ron Wyden's who has been playing rhe piano lie uriliries in eight stares. thank PSU and rhe School of Washington, D.C., office. since he was four years old, is ocial Work for all you did studying with concert pianist Megan Gnekow '02 recently for me. I will keep in touch." Allan Collins MS '05 is Susan Chan ar Portland Stare. exhibited her arr ar the 20th an- rhe pathways direcror for nual Illustrating Nature exhibit John Stephens MIM '03 is an Inland Empire Un ired Way Sheila Benson '07 is rhe office ar rhe Museum of Natural His- assisranr program officer for in Beaumont, California. manager for Beery Elsner rory in Sanra Cruz, California. Mercy Corps in South Asia. and Hammond, a legal firm 28 PORTLAND STATE MAGAZINE SPRING 2009
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