Portland State Magazine Spring 2009

ALUMNI NOTES Kelly Jones '95 is a sergeant with rhe Washington County Sheriff's Department in Hills– boro. Jones is married to Steph– anie Jones MST '03, director of Intel Northwest Science Expo through the Center for Science Education at Portland Scare. Sarah Lawrence MA '95 is executive director ofWahkia– kum Community Foundation and manager of the Wahkia– kum County Fair in Cathlamet, Washington. Lawrence lives in Puget Island, Washington, with her husband, Paul. Deirdre Lorenz '95 landed her "coolest television role yer" in a small part on NBC's Law & Order Special Victims Unit "Bag– gage" episode, which aired April 7. The actress, producer, and model lives in New York City. Tracey Crouser Stoppelmoor '96 is a senior manager with Geffen, Mesher and Company, a Portland-based account- ing firm, and volunteers as board treasurer for rhe Autism Society of Oregon. Cameron McPherson Smith MA '96 is a writer, archaeolo– gist, and explorer. Smith's most recent expeditions have taken him to Alaska, Iceland, and South America. His writings have been published in Scien– tific American Mind, Playboy, Archaeology, The Writer, South American Explorer, Spaceflight, The Next Step, and Skeptical Inquirer. Smith is the author of The Top Ten Myths About Evolution and Anthropologyfor Dummies. His next books will be The Frost Giants and Wilder– ness Survivalfor Dummies. Jim P. Snyder MBA '96 is an account executive ar rhe North– west Evaluation Association, a national nonprofit organiza– tion rhar provides assessments, training, and other services to school districts and education agencies. A lifetime member of rhe PSU Alumni Associa– tion , Snyder lives in Portland. Maggie Daane MM '97 is a music director, soprano soloist, reacher, and adjudicator known to audiences and students throughout rhe orrhwesr. She has appeared as a guest performer with rhe Oregon Symphony, Portland Baroque Orchestra, and many other musical groups. She lives in Alsea. Michael Fletcher '97 is a mar– keting and business develop– menr manager for Point West Credit Un ion in Portland. He is married to MaryAnn Fletcher '99, a Web page designer. They have rwo children and enjoy sports and music. James Gilbert '97 is owner and manager of Northwoods Nursery, a wholesale and mail-order nursery in Hood River. Gilbert is also presidenr of the Molalla Community Planning Organization and serves on rhe Molalla River Education Foundation Board. Brad Kuhns '97 has joined Bloomingdale's in New York. Kuhns is the creative project manager for the company's e-commerce site and has respon– sibility for all creative assets on rhe Web sire. Cara Smith '97 is assistant attorney general in the Child Advocacy Section for the Oregon Department ofJusrice. Smith earned a law degree from Willamette University in 1998. She writes, 'Tm a native Portlander and can't really imagine living anywhere else." Lawerence "Rusry" Jacob– son '98 is a legal assisranr at Muir & Troutman, a debt relief law firm in Beaverton. Randall Glenn '99 is a dentist in Oregon City. Glenn is also president of rhe Clackamas Counry Denral Society and is adjunct faculty at Oregon Health & Science University. He enjoys spending rime with his wife, Brook, and their children, Parker and Abrianna. David Mildrexler '99 is a forest scientist with rhe WildWesr Institute, a nonprofit environ– menral advocacy organization in Missoula, Montana. Mildrexler completed his master's in forest science at University of Mon– tana under rhe direction of Prof. Steve Running, whom he con– tinues to work for as a research assistanr. Running shared rhe 2007 Nobel Peace Prize. 2000-2008 Scott Dillinger MSW '00 is a trauma and orthopedic social worker at Oregon Health & Science University. Dillinger also oversees and coordinates RELIVE PSU'S HISTORY Richard Sanders Brent Schauer With 300 photos and 180 pages in a big, 8-1/2" x 11" format, Portland State: A History in Pictures is a book every alumnus should have. Written by the late Richard Sanders '57 and photo edited by Brent Schauer, the book shows the history, people, and events that make Portland State unique. Portland State: A History in Pictures is $34.95 and available at the PSU Bookstore or through the Retirement Association of Portland State by e-mailing raps@pdx.edu or calling 503-725-3447 26 PORTLAND STATE MAGAZINE SPRING 2009