Portland State Magazine Spring 2009
Margaret Shirley MFA '79 is adjunct art faculty in the PSU School of Fine and Perform- ing Arts and at Marylhurst Universiry. Shirley's art has been featured on campus and at the Portland Art Museum, Oklahoma Art Center, Texas Fine Arts Association, and ocher galleries. She I ives in Portland. 1980-1989 Hassan bin Abdullah al– Ghanim '80 is the 2009 PSU Outstanding International Alumnus. Al-Ghanim is min– ister of justice for the Seate of Qatar in the Middle Ease. The PSU Alumni Association honored Al-Ghanim for his distinguished career and leader– ship in Qatar and in rhe Gulf Cooperation Counci l countries. Maryw Ann Haisch '80, MPA '93 is an assistant professor in the school of dentistry at Oregon Health & Science University. Haisch holds offices in the American Dental Educa– tion Association and is on the editorial board for the journal ofPractical Hygiene. She lives in Vancouver, Washington. Pamela J. Luna '80 Pamela}. Luna '80, MST '82 evaluates programs in part– nership with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Luna earned her doctoral degree from Loma Linda Univer- sity in California. She writes, "The PSU community was a perfect fir for reinforcing my career in health and educa- tion. Thank you PSU." Luna lives in Riverside, California. Oliver Orjiako '80, MUP '82, PhD '89 is director of the C lark County Department of Community Development in Vancouver, Washington. Judith Poutasse MPA '81 is evening coordinator for the Student Success Program at Mc. Hood Community College in Gresham. Margaret L. Dryden MA '82 is heritage program manager for the U.S. Forest Service, Colum– bia River Gorge National Scenic Area in Hood River. Dryden has been an archaeologist with the Forest Service since 1979. Mark Fischer '82 is a den– tist with Cascade Dental in its Fisher's Landing office in Vancouver, Washington. Fischer also volunteers with Medical Teams International co help disadvantaged patients and disaster surv ivors both locally and in Mex ico. He and his wife, Corinn, have three child ren and two grandchil– dren, Sofia and Lucia. Catherine Murray '82 is chair of the department of art and design at East Ten– nessee Scare University in Johnson Ciry. Murray will have a one-person exhibition of new work at High Point Universiry, High Point, North Carolina, in November 2009. Ali M. Al Ali '83 is chairman and genera l manager of Qatar's General Postal Corporation. Since the Middle Eastern country's postal service became an independent corporation in 2001, Al Ali has shifted its operation from years of revenue loss to a 49 percent profit. CarolynJohnson-Bell '83 is an artist who specializes in inte– rior decorative painting, includ– ing faux painting, stenciling, and free-hand custom murals. Johnson-Bell is a member of the Stencil Artisans League and is a professional resource affiliate member of Northwest Soci– ety of Interior Designers. Susan Moffet '83 is an attorney with Dexter and Moffet, an adoption law office in Wilson– ville. Moffet earned her law degree from Northwestern School of Law at Lewis & Clark College. She is married and has a daughter and two cars. Diane O'Malley '83 is the accounting manager for Portland Youth Philharmonic in Portland. O'Malley has more than 20 years's experi– ence in accounting, human resources, and finance. She also teaches hospitality account- ing at Mr. Hood Communiry College in Gresham and serves as a children's minister and bookkeeper for her church. Tommy Conlon '84 is an attorney and co-founder of Conlon and Fong Bank- ruptcy Attorneys, a law firm in Carmichael, California. ALUMNI NOTES Conlon earned his law degree from Lincoln Law School in Sacramento. He volunteers attorney time with Northern California Legal Services. Cynthia Keiser Mansfield '84 is an early childhood education a sisrant with the C lackamas Ed ucation Service District. Mansfield lives in Milwaukie with her husband, Roy. Her mother, Jean Keiser '79, is a retired medical technologist in West Chester, Pennsylvania. Renee Fellman MBA '85 is an award-winning turnaround expert, who has been interim CEO for 16 companies. David Lezak PhD '85 is a physicist and CEO ofWygant Scientific, a developer of digitized voice communica– tion systems in Portland. Lezak lives with his wife, Bridger, and their two children, Stephen and Eleanor. WINEWORKS AH.ISJ'OCRATlC WI.N'f-8 AT Ut:lt<X'KATl4~ .-Rl('Ci RBGUE Additional wine by Lago di Merlo Vineyards & Winery SPRING 2009 PORTLAND STATE MAGAZINE 23
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