Portland State Magazine Spring 2009

ALUMNI NOTES COMPILED BY DONNA HARRIS '07 1960-1969 Lowell Burnett '64 is chief technology officer at Quasar Federal Systems, a producer of electromagnetic sensing systems for manufacturing, security, and exploration. The company is located in San Diego. Burnett is a scientific adviser and board member of QuasarGeo, a division of Quasar Federal, which works with the oil and gas industry. Steve Biles '65 is vice president of investments at Biles, Urdes & Hart Partners, a wealth management group in Portland. Biles' dog, Jaraluv Ouija, a Scottish deerhound, defeated 50,000 dogs of all breeds lase year as one of seven finalists for che highly coveted AKC ational Champion "Best in Show." Biles, his wife, Eileen, and their dogs live in Sherwood. Scott Parker '68 is providing insights on T.S. Eliot's most famous essay, "Tradition and che Individual Talent," as a research source for Imprimis, a monthly publication of Hillsdale College in Hillsdale, Michigan. Ken Dunder '69 is president of Hydrokineric Systems, a Salem– based manufacturer of indus– trial waste treatment systems. Dunder also is co-owner of the Sanciam Valley Ranch, a family-owned farm that propagates fish. Dunder oper– ates che fish business on a sea– sonal, part-time basis with help from his wife, Kathy, and sons, Nils, Jake, Andy, and Luke. Tamara Lewis '69 is a neuro– logical sales consultant with Dynasplinc Systems, Inc., a company that markets a bilateral, spring-loaded spline system. Lewis, who lives in Portland, is a past president of che PSU Alumni Association. 1970-1979 Calvin Gantenbein '70 is che chief judge of the Siletz Tribal Court of che Confeder– ated Tribes ofSiletz Indians in Siletz. Gancenbein earned a law degree from orthwesc– ern School of Law at Lewis & C lark College in 1974. He also volunteers as a court appointed special advocate in Clatsop County Juvenile Court. Antonio Amandi '71 is a senior fish health specialise with the Oregon Department offish and Wildlife. Amandi received his master's and doctorate in fish health at Oregon Scace Universi– ty. He lives in Corvallis with his wife, Elizabeth Amandi '71. Annabelle Jaramillo '71, MS '74 has been sworn in for her third term on the Ben– ton County Board of Com– missioners, where she will be serving as vice chair. Steven Scanlin MSW '71 has been appointed scare affiliate director for che acional Associ– ation of Local Boards of Health, which represents che grassroots foundation of public health in America. Scanlin is an attorney in Boise, Idaho, and has served on the Central District Board of Health for eight years. Dianne Capsouto Graham '72 retired after 26 years of reaching English as a second language and primary classes in Portland Public Schools. Graham now lives in Sun City, Arizona. 22 PORTLAND STATE MAGAZINE SPRING 2009 Bruce Carocci '73, MBA '75 is new vice president of business development at Oncier, Inc., a Portland software developer for business users. Carocci has more than 25 years ofsenior management experience. Barry Simon '73 has been elected vice president of resource development for the South- ern California division of che United ations Association of the USA, a nonprofit member– ship organization that supports the work of the United Nations. Simon is an independent investment adviser and lives in Santa Monica, California. Timothy Miller '74 is acting associate director for geol- ogy with the U.S. Geological Survey. Miller, who has worked for the USGS for 36 years, was senior adviser for water quality. He lives in Rescon, Virginia, with his wife, Rhonda Miller MA '75, an attorney. Anthony G. White MPA '74, PhD '94 won an administrator's excellence award for community outreach from Bonneville Power Administration in March. White is a public utilities spe– cialist and secretary co the U.S. Entity for the Columbia River Treaty. He has also spent many hours helping build homes for Habitat for Human icy. White lives in West Linn with his wife, Carole Ann White MBA '74. Scott Anderson '75 is chief of police for the city of Troutdale. Anderson retired from che Port– land Police Bureau in 2004. In 2005, he was one of five interna– tional police leaders co assist in che reforming and restructuring of che Haitian Nationa l Police. Mark Carpenter '75 is president of Columbia Roofing and Sheet Metal in Tualatin. Carpenter lives in Wilson– ville with his wife, Barbara. Michael Reed '75 is cown board chairman for Lisbon, Wisconsin. Reed is a retired business owner and I ives in Lisbon with his wife, Valerie. Mary Lynne Derrington MS '76 co-authored a book, Leadership Teaming: The Superintendent-Principal Rela– tionship, published by Corwin Press in 2008. Derrington is superintendent of Blaine School District in Blaine, Washington. Frances Storlie '76 has authored five books and writ– ten more than 120 articles on health care. Storlie, now retired from the nursing profession, participated in more than 20 medica l mission trips in Central and South America. Christopher Gniewosz '77, MA '03 has co-authored and self-published a book, Noble Flight-A Family's Exodus and Survival During World War II. He lives in Portland. Gilbert Rossing MA '78 is author of a new book, Dignity, Dogmatism, and Same-Sex Rela– tionships, published by Resource Publications. In the book, Ross– ing turns equally co science and scripture co establish an argu– ment for validating the relation– ships of gay and lesbian couples. He lives in O lympia, Wash– ington, with his wife, Bech. Daniel Laizure '79 is a dentist and owns Walla Walla Demal Care in Washington. Laizure is actively involved in the National Spic Tobacco Education Program. He is married and has three chil- dren and one grandchild.