Portland State Magazine Spring 2008
ALUMNI NOTES A transformat ion made possible by your support Your gift to the Portland State Annual Fund provides scholarships for deserving students and supports the faculty, departments, and technology that make their quality education possible. Give to the Annual Fund today and transform Portland State students into suc– cessful alumni who wil l make a difference in our world . Give what you can-every gift counts. Give where you want-choose a program or scholar– ship you feel needs your support. Give green! Giving on line is an excellent way to sup– port Portland State and promote sustainable practices. I Make your annual gift on line today! www.foundation. pdx.edu 26 PORTLAND STATE MAGAZINE SPRING 2008 Cynthia Swan '02 is a health education coordinacor in the Tobacco Cessation Program for Providence Health Ser– vices in Portland. he and her husband, Charles "Chip" Dunn '01, live in Milwaukie. Katherine Winning '02, MEd '04 teaches Spanish at Summit High School in Bend . Winning is married co Todd Schweitzer '04, who teaches physical education for che Redmond School District. They both are pursuing doctorates in educa– tion at George Fox Un iversity. Kelly Wright '02 is an event specialise for Legacy Health System in Portland. Wright organ izes fundraising events for Good Samaritan, Merid– ian Park Medical, and Mount Hood Medical Center founda– tions. She previously worked in specia l events at Sc. Mary's Academy in Portland. Scott Burge '03, former Viki ngs mascot at PSU from 1992 to 1996, was honored at "Scappoose Day" at che PSU football game against rival Weber Scace. Burge was named honorary capta in for the game. H e is mayor of Scappoose. Brad Fletcher '03 is an adver– tising account executive in Phoenix for National Cine– Media, a provider of in-cheater advertising services. Seniye GroffMEd '03 has opened a new Portland business, Groff Solutions, to provide companies with employee recruitment, orientation, men– toring, and job training plans. Jason Hinkle MS '03 helped evacuate che city ofWoodson, Oregon, minutes before a landside covered many pares of che town in December. Hinkle is a geocechn ica l specialise with the Oregon Department of Forestry. Geology Prof. Scott Burns, Hinkle's former adviser, sa id, "Lives could have been lose in the disaster if Hinkle and his crew had not acted when they did." Hinkle lives in Portland. Jolina Kwong '03, MS '06 is the coord inator for the Ronald E. McNair Scholars Program at Portland Scace. Kwong guides undergraduate student scholars in their research and grad school application processes. Kwong is also pursuing a degree in che Educational Leadership Doctoral Program at PSU. William "Evan" MacKenzie MUP '03 is planning and zoning administrator for the city of Ontario. MacKenzie says, "Planning in rural Eastern Oregon really can lee you do everything you wanted to do in school." H e mer his wife, Christine, whi le they were both students at Portland Scace. Kyra Ngo '03 is the hu– man resources adminis– trator for First American Title's Northwest/Mid-Central Division in Portland. Benjamin Pinkowitz '03 owns Launch Pad gallery in southeast Porcland. In addition to showing arc, che gallery serves as a community gathering place, helps che disabled, and offers low-cost arc classes and workshops. Lowell Wetzel '03 is a process analyse fo r che emer– gency medical preparedness office at The Regence Group. Wetzel lives in Aloha. Sarah Whitney '03, MEd '04 received the Crystal Apple Award from the Salem-Keizer School District. W hitney was one of seven teachers in the district co be honored with the award . She is a former PSU Jane Wiener Alumn i Scholar. Christine Campbell Brous– seau MPA '04 has been named executive direccor for Camp Fire USA-Central Oregon in Bend. Brousseau is also an executive committee member for the Bend Chamber Young Professionals network and vice president of education for the Bend Chamber Toastmasters.
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