Portland State Magazine Spring 2008

David Missal MBA '98 has been appointed acting chief information officer and senior technology consultant for EMC Corporation, a manufacturer of information management and storage software and systems. Missal is assigned ro rhe aerospace and defense division of EMC in Colorado Springs, Colorado, where he lives with his wife, Michelle. Linda Maizels MA '99 is rhe new communi ty outreach coor– dinaror for che Harold Schnitzer Family Program in Judaic Stud– ies ac Portland Stare. Maizels was instrumental in founding rhe Judaic Srud ies program as a graduate student. She recently spent five yea rs in Israel and rhen returned ro PSU as an adjunct faculty member before being selected as coordinator. Robert "Bob" TardiffMPA '99 served as interim cicy man– ager of Newberg through April. Tardiff had retired as Newberg's police chief and moved ro Texas. 2000-2007 David Arnold '00 has produced and acced in The Dodo Bird, a play by Emanuel Fried. The Gate Theater Group of Chiang Mai, Thailand, produced rhe play. Arnold is an English reacher in Chiang Mai. Julia (Nystrom) Holsti '00, MEd '07 has been reaching business and tech– nology at Sheridan High School in Yamhi ll County since September 2007. Gretchen Kafoury MPA '00 has been appointed ro the Housing Authority of Portland 's Board of Oirec- rors. Kafoury spent 20 years in elected office and recently retired from a PSU faculty pose. Dave Metz '00 hiked 600 mi les across northern Alaska with his Ai redale dogs, Jimmy and Wi ll , chis past summer. Metz has been a remote hiker since che age of 10. He plans ro write a book about his experi– ence. He lives in Roseburg. Jesse Cornett '01, MPA '03 has been hired as interim assistant ro the president for Government Relations at Portland Scace. Cornett serves as rhe liaison between PSU and elecred and government officials. He has worked for Oregon Secretary of Scace Bill Bradbury and U.S . Rep. Ea rl Blumenauer. Keith Hobson MPA '01 has been appointed chief finan- cial officer ofWashingron County. Hobson was assistant general manager for Tualatin Hills Park and Recreation District. He lives in Beaver- ron with his wife, Lisa. Devon Brooke Clasen '02 is a freelance writer in Las Vegas, Nevada. C lasen writes a month– ly column for So Vegas, a local fas hion magazine. She is also a restaurant reviewer fo r DineLV com and a creative writer for events companies in Las Vegas. Caleb Gostnell '02 has been selected as the lead physical sci– entist fo r the National Ocean ic and Atmospheric Administra– tion in Seattle. Gosrnell wi 11 work in the Center for Opera– tional Oceanographic Produces and Services. He pent more than five years in Washingron, D.C., engaged in nautical charring hydrographic work. Kathleen Mansfield '02 is credit manager ac che New York headquarters ofWyn it, Inc., a national disrriburor of consumer electron ics. Mansfield lives in Manlius, New York, with her husband, Michael. Mary Cunningham Moller '02 has been hired as federal relations associate for che Office of Government Relations ar Portland Scace. Moller lives in Porcland with her husband, Christopher Moller '01. ALUMNI NOTES Become a card-carrying member of the PSU Alumni Association! JOIN on line at www.alumni.pdx.edu or call 503-725-4948 PSUAlumni Association PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY SPRING 2008 PORTLAND STATE MAGAZINE 25